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need parts help

yakima valley rc racer

Active Member
Mar 18, 2007
i was looking on scale4x4.com and went to forum crawler and went to gulask2-3l with wheely king axles. the part im talking about is in the pic on page 2 #22 the last pick im new to these parts. hey tanis do you know what it is.
hey tanis do you know what he used for the links to hook up on. and he is sending me a template as soon as he can get it to me so i will share with you. your gonna get me in trouble tanis cause now i want to build two crawlers a 2.2 and a super. first is the 2.2 so i can show you how its really done lol. and im thinking way latter when im not in the dog house of getting the hustler from rcp.
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:D :D I seem to be getting several people in trouble this way. The hustler is way cool, performs just as good as it looks, too. I just won't run a super again, too much extra stuff to buy and break, plus you have to find rocks that are actually a challenge.
I just bought a Diaz Dtrail12 frame for my scale build:cool: It's going to be leafsprung and servo on the chassis, with my discontinued FJ40 body.:D :D

The linkmounts are TLT parts. I have plenty of extras. :awesomework:
i hopefully will be getting my axles soon. i was wondering tanis on the supers do they brake very offten. if they do i might just stick with the 2.2. thanks for all of your help.
Breaking really depends on how you drive, and how well you have your truck built. When I started going to the comps, this guy broke his truck everytime out, but he has changed the way he drives, and rarely breaks his truck at the comps now. You just have to learn when to back off the throttle when it is bound up, and don't roll it off 15' drops:redneck:
If I were you, just try the 2.2 for now,(cheaper and simpler) they are working on a 2.2 hustler chassis to release soon:awesomework:
You can always go to a super down the road if you want, they just cost more and require bigger obstacles to make it a challenge.
Its just more challenging than a super.

2.2's are more challenging on the same terrain. Super crawlers can go places a 2.2 simply can't (try climbing a 12-14 inch vertical ledge with a 2.2), and you just need to take that into account when laying out your courses. I guess what I'm trying to say is that both are equally challenging if courses are laid out well.

YVR - get that crawler built, we're having a comp over there in June :awesomework:
Oh, he's been to the spot, Todd.:D Hopefully his crawler will be done in time. He was making me look stupid with Britt's truck that day, on his first time crawling. Course, that is saying alot about Britt's truck:haha: He has a good feel for lines.