I think it's hit or miss on whether or not they send them in to the state or not. That detirmines whether they go on your record. I've had multiple speeding, reckless driving, improper passing, and a DUI, and only about half of those tickets made it to the state from the municipal court systems, over the years. And that's paying the fine and the court costs, exact amount, no other b.s. and a bunch of them were still never sent in to the state.
I finally got enough tickets to point out on my license so they sent me a statement in the mail saying to surrender my license by ____ date and had a list of my offenses at the bottom of it. I know for a fact I got 3 reckless driving tickets IN THE SAME CITY within 1 years time (tickets count against your license in AL for only 2 years), and only 1 of the reckless driving offenses were listed.
Realistically, I had enough paid offenses for them to suspend my license for 2 years, but the only ones they listed were just enough to suspend them for 2 months.
In AL, tickets count against your license (if the fine is paid and not dropped) for 2 years, Insurance for 3 years, and are supposed to only be on your record for 5 years. I think I've only got a couple speeding tickets on my record now (got the DUI dropped), so I'm probably as close to a clean driving record now as I've ever been since I started driving