Was a Block Captain on ours for 8 years, until we moved 1 year ago.
The people that put flyers on the doors are the worst. They put flyer on door and jiggle the door handle.
Fake utility guys, meter readers.
All the houses in my area that got hit in the 8 years they went around back,of homes that had the master bedroom down. As people dont put alarm motion detectors in their bedrooms, and most valuables are in their bedroom/master bath closet anyway.
Outside lighting for night time, but really all the B&E's we saw were middle of day, no one home cause they were at work. So you have to rely on keeping your **** locked, your garage closed when you are home, blinds drawn, with secondary door/window locks. then a dog and good alarm. With the alarm company set to call the police dispatch, not your work phone or wifes cell phone.
crazy how something as simple as this checklist can better your odds they dont hit your house.
And I hate that bc I run a meter reading project, and bc of low lifes like that my guys get harassed 24/7 and some even after identifying themselves to the customer, presenting id (which they are required to carry), showing them our equipment and vehicle which is tattooed with our company's plus our utility's name. They even have to wear bright neon yellow vests with our company+ our utility's logos.
I've had a gun put in my face before out in the field while reading a route a few years ago.