sadly to say after 30 years the porno van is probly leaving saturday, feller is coming to look at it, picked up the replacement tonite. ive come to a compromise cause the ihc is more dd doable vs the van and also i can get it in safely in parking decks and parkin lots(hospitals and biloxi "charities") without hitting the "low clearence pipe". its a ground up restored scout II, has 31 x 10.50's, tow pkg, original metal removable top. got it from an ihc collector that is the vp at the bham ihc truck dealer, this will be my new dd and vacation ride. ive already started building a teardrop to camp in. its foundation is a 5 x 8 trailer frame
all i plan to do is put the chrome trim pieces on it and the graphics and roll with it
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all i plan to do is put the chrome trim pieces on it and the graphics and roll with it
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