I'm quite a bit younger, so don't have near the life experience of some of you guys, but from the research I've done on this topic the supply of oil has went way up lately therefore decreasing the price. I read that the Saudis are able to get there oil out of the ground for about $6 a barrel. So they are still making a killing, the us producing so much of our own oil which is crippling opac and it's power, there is hundreds of years of oil available through these new processes, and all of the analysts are saying the gas prices are going to remain low for years to come. On a personal level I think this is great, and could pump a lot of money into our economy that people aren't spending on gas. Marathon petroleum sent out an email to there employees the other day saying they were making more money than ever, because people are buying more gas. On a worldwide level I will be the first to admit I have no clue how this all affects each other. I do know that with the ruble being worthless and putin being pushed into a corner that it worries me that he will take radical actions. I have always heard that a man with nothing to lose is a very dangerous thing.