I copied this from another board... where it had been copied from another board, so here you go...
This offroad park in Mcminnville has had a great start and now is trying to correct any issues coming up..
Copied from Facebook--
TheFarm Offroadclub-- Ok everybody, we have decided to go forward with the application to rezone our land for the farm. We need everyone's support! When we turn in the application we need to show community support! I have created an online petition for everyone to sign. Please go to http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/thefarmoffroad/ and sign. Tell everyone you know, we need as many signatures as possible before our appointment with the new Lawyer on the 19th! For any business owners that would like to write a letter of support, please mail the letter to the address below. When up and running again we would love to show our appreciation and hang a banner advertising your business for the first year! Thank you for your support!
So please Help, by signing the petition.. Thanks!
This offroad park in Mcminnville has had a great start and now is trying to correct any issues coming up..
Copied from Facebook--
TheFarm Offroadclub-- Ok everybody, we have decided to go forward with the application to rezone our land for the farm. We need everyone's support! When we turn in the application we need to show community support! I have created an online petition for everyone to sign. Please go to http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/thefarmoffroad/ and sign. Tell everyone you know, we need as many signatures as possible before our appointment with the new Lawyer on the 19th! For any business owners that would like to write a letter of support, please mail the letter to the address below. When up and running again we would love to show our appreciation and hang a banner advertising your business for the first year! Thank you for your support!
So please Help, by signing the petition.. Thanks!