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Pics from a ride couple weekends ago


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Auburn, WA
Took these weekend before last. They're from Gifford Pinchot National forest, trail 270, 271 and 276 (don't have pics from the other trails we rode)
This ones my favorite, on top of the ridge at the 276 (Yozoo) and 272 (Bishop Ridge) intersection.

Another from the same spot without the bike

Trail is just to the right out of frame in this shot, that rock formation is probably around a mile/mile and a half away, when you ride past it, it you see the whole thing, has to be at least 400-500 feet tall.

At the 270/271 intersection, our bikes, with all the wind falls and pieces of trees cut out of trails.

Both bikes are CRF230's, my dad's has more work than I can remember done to it, but the big stuff is a 240 kit and cam, CR250 forks and a disk brake from a CR as well.
I see the thumpertalk sticker on the front fender, whats your SN over there? mines the same as it is here? and those look like some cool pics
Yeah, same name over there, I don't hang out there as much as I used to, the summer influx of paste eaters was more than I could handle, so I just drop in every couple days and stir the pot, and let it simmer. My dad is nw56 over there.
sweet if only i wasnt so far away id ride with you all i have a 04 CRF 450
looks like a nice place to ride
TrikeKid said:
Yeah, same name over there, I don't hang out there as much as I used to, the summer influx of paste eaters was more than I could handle, so I just drop in every couple days and stir the pot, and let it simmer. My dad is nw56 over there.
Roy,,, no wonder you are all up on Elbe Hills,, very close. I need to plan out summer family camping trips for 07. I bet we will end up doing the same gigs,, Capitol Forest & Tahuya. I would like to try some new spots but it is hard when the whole family is riding,, gota keep it easy.
yokko no quads if i remember right side hill. is this sunrise peak ect i beleive goosecreek......i think thats right
There is a loop quads can run there, but it's limited, and you better be damn good on a quad to make the whole thing (there are some switch backs that are a little hairy even on a bike), 270/271 are the only double track up there, the rest is miles of single track that range from easy/moderate to "Screw up and it's gonna hurt...bad". 79Chev, I don't believe this is the peak you're talking about. Joe, there is a bunch of camping with trail access up at Gifford, and I've seen kids on Z50's run 270, so I think it's plenty do-able for the family. That's one nice thing about up there, you can go right from super easy warm up trails, to the nastiest trail in the place. The Blue Lake area is the only one suited to a non plated bike, none of the trails in the southern portion of the forest loop, so you have to have a plate and ride the roads between trails.
looks like fun. which is why i'm selling my atv when i move back to washington. atv's are the ticket in arizona. but you can't go anywhere but a handfull of places in washington.
TrikeKid said:
Yeah I'm talking Gifford, I only ride the Blue Lake area due to the lack of a plate. Your pics look to be from the southern area, Blue Lake is farther north.
Northern Trail area
Blue Lake area trail guide
The pics with the boys were from the super south section by the DNR border. The others were from the elk pass area. Gifford is the ****!
yep some of those shots are the place im talkin about its not bad ridin couple good spots where it gets real tight and twisty makes for some fun factor on sunrise peak