well, i dont see eye to eye w/ you... i am not sad in any way that he is dead, but there are people out there who have been very inspired by him and possibly looked to him as a role model, so take these criteria and look at your own life, who has motivated/ inspired you??? now i dont dont give two shits or a **** about them, and i wish you would quit going on and on about how sad you are that they are dead... does this change your perspective about how you may look at someone else's roll model??? if not, you are a heartless asshole, if it does change your perspective, then you are just an idiot for typing before you think....
regardless of personal opinions, they guy was a performer, he sold millions of albums and he played to the media, thats marketing, thats free marketing and that is the way that industry works... its no different than woodlee going on xtreme4x4 and making hokey interviews at koh, it was free and it makes people talk about him, ultimately leading to income from jobs or endorsements... with that said, you cant take away his accomplishments, the guy was good at what he did.... as far as the pedophile thing, i dont know... he was acquitted, and i wasnt there, so i would look at it as if you were in the same position... what if you were tried for child pornography and it was all bullshit and the jury said you were not guilty, but i wanted you to keep a safe distance from allie because you were "tried" for something disgraceful...
what if it was garth brooks???