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Professionalism and dating

Water department?

You need a sugar-momma.....

Bones said:
What Would Hardline Do?

Been talking with this chick with the local water department lately through work. 100% professional. I got a vibe when we met a month or so ago and since then been to a few meetings there and she was not present but made a point to walk by and say hi to me, not my other coworkers, and sends me an email saying it was nice to see me again, if I need anything (water maps) let her know. Anyway, I did some digging since she is pretty hot, older (38), tall, well put together and has a great rack. Find out she is single and I assume that's her kiddo in the pic.

Leigh (current GF) and I are on the outs, just too clingy and not enough freakyness for me. I am not looking to drop leigh today to hook up with this chick since there needs to be some professionalism here since we do work in the same fields, meetings, etc. But I do not see Leigh lasting long term by any means.

Is it unprofessional or in poor taste to ask her out since all I have is her work email and phone? Is that over the top for future meetings?

I have a pic, but not uploading it to my smugmug yet or attaching it here wasting space. P has it, he can host it if he wants. :flipoff1:
wngrog said:
Water department?

You need a sugar-momma.....
City of Cedar Rapids Water Department, You are too used to well water ya hillbilly. :flipoff1: :fish:

Yes I do, but I do not think she fits that formula (#1 being filthy fawking rich)
No, seriously....you really need to make it your #1 prioroty to find a chick with a large income or moderate trust fund.

Screw what she looks like...

Bones said:
City of Cedar Rapids Water Department, You are too used to well water ya hillbilly. :flipoff1: :fish:

Yes I do, but I do not think she fits that formula (#1 being filthy fawking rich)
wngrog said:
No, seriously....you really need to make it your #1 prioroty to find a chick with a large income or moderate trust fund.

Screw what she looks like...
I had that Nolen, she dumped me.....prolly cuz I was not loaded. molaugh If yer gonna be unhappy, be rich dammit! molaugh
bigsilly said:
Not unprofessional at all. The workplace is one of the top places people meet people. I say go for it.

I agree....Met my wife at work.

We had BSed in the smoke shack several times, (we had the same break time) and worked together a few times over several months. I thought she was HOT and way out of my league. (she is ;D )

I didn't know she was interested till I mentioned I had a date one weekend. I could tell it bothered her, didn't know why though at the time. Later that day she asked if I had a cell#....she might need to talk after work one day. Duh....ok?? We talked more through out the day. I made some stupid comment about her hair being up all the time.....She called the next day and said, "You wanna see me with my hair down?" Blew off my date and 3 years later....here we are. She has been/is the best part of my life!!

**** dude, you never know. thumb.gif
P said:
Ask her to grab lunch sometime and feel it out from there.

From a female perspective... the asking her to lunch is a great start.
Doesn't put any expectations on the table right off the bat.

Recently had a guy ask me to dinner (guess my ring didn't mater, and yes I told him no) but IF I had been available the lunch "date" would have been a little bit more appealing. Seems like there would be less pressure to impress each other and actually have an out if things didn't mesh right off. With the time period you can cut it short if need be and if you like her for more than the appearance (breast) then you can make plans for an after work/evening/weekend date... ;)
Not saying I like her for her pepper.gif, that's just a perk I guess.

I have tried the lunch things most of the time and all the wimmens say "how about dinner?" ::) Then when I wanna call it quits it's kind of a PITA. Plus side, you can get drinks in em and....well need I say more. Kinda getting over all that after years and just want to find a chick with a head on her shoulders and can take care of herself and I am just her sex slave. :dunno:
That is why you casually walk over prior to lunch hour for what-ever-reason and say "hey, whatcha doing for luch?" and when she doesn't know... hit her up for the lets grab a bite... if she can't, she if she then suggests dinner!

She may be a whore and prefer dinner over lunch, who knows.
But as a lady ;D Try luch first! hehehe ;D
Ambo said:
That is why you casually walk over prior to lunch hour for what-ever-reason and say "hey, whatcha doing for luch?" and when she doesn't know... hit her up for the lets grab a bite... if she can't, she if she then suggests dinner!

She may be a whore and prefer dinner over lunch, who knows.
But as a lady ;D Try luch first! hehehe ;D
Email sent. She is not next door. More like a few miles away. Plus I am not that smooth and you know this!
Well that was easy.

Sent her an email last night before the day was out. Get a response this morning. Break up with the Ex went smooth, no drama, pretty mutual.

Hi Chris,

Funny I almost emailed you yesterday to see if you wanted to meet me for happy hour to have a couple of beers.

I guess great minds think alike.

How about next week sometime after work?

Take care,

