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Ralley for the Hammers!!!!!!!!

Please feel free to adjust this as you like, here is a response you can edit with your name, cut and paste to the ralley forum for your convience...doing this will take just minutes of your time...remember be proactive or lose your wheeling rights...it is that simple...PM all you know to get involved, now it is just to easy, fast, and will make a difference...

Response you may use, edit and sign.

I, |Your name here|, am in total opposition to the closing of any land granted to me and my future family and there off spring. We as a nation were guaranteed the use of the natural forests of the lands of the United States by not only presidential decree but by our God given right as citizens. I understand that with this responsibility comes all that will come from it and I do take on the challenge of its ecological survival. Myself, I practice what is called "tread lightly" which is a program I highly support and feel is needed with the growing hobby of off road driving. I personally travel on marked trails, clean said trails and repair at my own cost said trails. I think of the future of off roading and I am very concerned about the closures, not being selfish, but for the next generation, the look in a child's eyes as they bond with the family is priceless, and the rewards are countless as they grow into responsible adults. It would seriously be to the detriment of the country to close down lands to off road use in ways we cannot imagine at this point, for the outlet for the youth is huge, and this is a true American outlet for them. Keep the lands open for the future generations, so they have a place to go, to have clean fun and for them to pass on what Dad and Grandpa passed on to them, to enjoy but respect the land that their forefathers, like us now, have passed onto them.

Sincerely, from an off-road enthusiast from Washington State.
I will be attending the meeting with Congressman Duncan Hunter at Cuyamaca College, in El Cajon, CA this coming Saturday from ~9-11AM PST.

This meeting is said to have an agenda item containing Johnson Valley/Hammers concerns that Mr. Hunter will address. I will find out for certain as I plan to talk with officials again tomorrow face to face.

I spent this afternoon at Cuyamaca College meeting with the Senior Administrative Assistant who has her fingers in coordinating this event (Barb Takahashi).

Update coming tomorrow/Tuesday morning.
I just got off the phone with one of the staff members of Congressman Mr. Duncan Hunter. I called his San Diego phone number. I asked if it was possible to know whether or not Johnson Valley OHV/29 Palms Marine Corps expansion was an item on the agenda for the upcoming Saturdays Cuyamaca College meeting with Mr. Hunter.

I asked this because I heard there was some confusion concerning this and I wanted to be 100% certain this was on the agenda and I didn't want folks to travel distances and be disappointed. I wanted to weed-out any possible uncertainty.

She confirmed that this was definetly on the agenda. I asked if other topic items were on the agenda and she informed me that this was the only one she was aware of.

I also asked if there was a way to look online to see the official agenda, she regreted it's not available online after looking into it for me.

I also found out that Mr. Mike Harrison of Mr. Hunters staff is who is coordinating things and that he was currently in a meeting. I was told I could probably call him directly at ~10:00AM, which I plan on doing.

I also contacted the nice folks at Cuyamaca College again to confirm the appoximate anticipated seating capacity for the meeting to be held their this Saturday. Mrs. Sara Grasmick of CC informed me that 2 classrooms set-up for the type meeting that will be held is ~180 seats using two adjoining conference rooms.

More info to follow.

I got some good news, and some not so good news.

I just spoke with another staff member who's much more informed concerning this issue at Congressman Hunter's office. He mentioned that the agenda is mainly for San Diego Offroading issues and that it has been mis-reported on accident that the townhall was for the Johnson Valley OHV/29 Palms expansion plan.

However, he said that if/when the JV/29 Palms issue is brought up, Congressman Hunter will address it and he will try to formulate a course of action.

Basically, it's not on the "scheduled agenda", however, they fully expect this to be an item of discussion, so come on out and bring up the issue so we can discuss it and see what we can do.

Sorry for any misinformation earlier. You can shoot me later.
This morning I attended the above mentioned town hall meeting. This meeting was scheduled so that discussions could be expressed to Congressman Duncan Hunter & California State Director of BLM, Mike Pool. The focus on the agenda was to openly talk with these officials concerning San Diego's off road issues/concerns. However, these officials were expecting that there would be mention of Johnson Valley OHV & the Marine Corps potential expansion of its Twentynine Palms facility. There were several people who addressed these officials with JV concerns that were outside the initial meetings agenda.

Not to take away from San Diego's important items of discussion, but some of us were in a unique position to have the ear of some favorable officials and we didn't want to let this opportunity pass us up. Being this was the case, and they were open to hear our concerns, the Congressman wants to formulate a hopeful resolution concerning the potential takeover of Johnson Valley/Hammers by the Marine Corps.

This is only my opinion, but it seemed that if he (Mr. Hunter) had it his way - JV OHV would remain as it is today & that the Marine Corps would look into other options.

California State Director of BLM, Mr. Mike Pool, mentioned that the Marine Corps was not initially aware of the great importance that Johnson Valley OHV has to the off road community. However, the Marine Corps has recently been informed of this great importance.

Mr. Hunter was very supportive of the off road community and mentioned that he will be meeting with the Marine Corp Commandant to discuss this issue. Furthermore, he mentioned that Congressman Jerry Lewis will be part of this ongoing issue since the land JV is on, is in Mr. Lewis' district.

During this meeting I addressed the officials and provided a copy of a Petition concerning JV. This petition was started by Tam, and she deserves high recognition for taking the initiative to start this and follow thru. Over the course of approximately two days, this petition generated ~1,000 signatures, of which, several of them contain valuable comments that these officials will take into consideration during their decision making process.

Another item that was discussed is that there will be an organized guided tour of Johnson Valley for some of the officials. Who all attends, has not been determined, but you can expect that we want this to happen soon and to provide the Congressmen a better perspective of The Hammers and it's great importance to the off road community.

Another item we will be providing to Congressman Hunters staff (specifically, Mr. Michael Harrison) is some photos of JV showing it's unique terrain and some specific map locations of the photos we provide. Basically, what areas these photos were taken and how they make JV such a valued place for us. The gears are already turning to provide this information to the Congressmans staff.

There are other issues that arose, and I don't want to discount other concerns that were discussed. If I've made some minor errors - feel free to correct me.

Joe Dillard
Concerned JV OHV Supporter


CONTACT: Don Amador
PHONE: 925.625.6287
EMAIL: [email protected]
DATE: March 24, 2008


SAN DIEGO - Loss of off-highway vehicle access to popular federal recreation sites in Southern California was the main theme at a town hall meeting hosted by Congressman Duncan Hunter at Cuyamaca College on the outskirts of San Diego. Mike Pool, the director for the California Office of the Bureau of Land Management, also shared the podium at the March 22 meeting.

Over 200 off-roaders attended the event and many expressed concerns about the various competing interests that are impacting recreational opportunities in the California Desert region. The proposed expansion of the Marine Corps base into the Johnson Valley OHV Area, renewable energy construction projects, the endless parade of eco-lawsuits filed by anti-access groups against federal land agencies, and new Wilderness plans were the main points of contention.

Don Amador, Western Representative for the BlueRibbon Coalition, states, "I think this meeting was a true 'grassroots' success. It was not just representatives from organized groups that spoke, but many individuals took time out of the holiday weekend to make their voices heard."

"Both Congressman Hunter and Director Pool assured the crowd that the military was now acutely aware that Johnson Valley is an internationally recognized and world-class OHV recreation area. Hunter also made a promise to the group that he would meet with
the Marine Corps in the next two weeks to discuss this issue and see if a solution can be found," Amador said.

"The event hosts urged OHVers to stay engaged in the political and land-use planning processes. The group was also reminded about shrinking federal recreation budgets and that supporting trail volunteer efforts and user-fee programs at selected sites will be key factors in the public land-use equation," Amador concludes.

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The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 organization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nationwide. 1-800-258-3742. http://www.sharetrails.org