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Randy's Ring & Pinion , No Short Side Axles!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Athens, AL
That's right brings the blow big time. I called yesterday to order a Dana 60 Chromo Short Side 35 Spline. I was told they are out and it will be May before they have any...... This brings the suck. I call CCOR in Athens, GA . They got the same response. He is calling Superior and another place. If anyone has a Chromo 60 they would come off of let me know. I ordered 2 of the stubs. Superjoints, Driveflanges, Lockrite , and a new carrier. Just a heads up for anyone needing axles. He said the Ford 44 stuff is back ordered for a while also. :eek:
Check with Joe at EOR, they may have some in stock. Also try ORC, Keith stocks yukon also. I am sure you will find one in stock somewhere
Call EOR,

Keith at ORC usually has them in stock as well but I tried to call them today to ask about a used part and got no answer :dunno:

EDIT: Matt beat me typing laughing1
Ahh yea, forgot about him too. Between those three damn sure someone will have it on the shelf SON !
Keith @ Off Road Connection Had 2 on the shelf. He is sending me one. And Also a Stub. Randy's has stock stubs but that's it. So it looks like I am good to go when my parts get here.
See there.... gotta be stock on the shelves out there somewere's !! thumb.gif

Your gonna be big ballin in no time dood ! pepper.gif
Yukon ain't got ****. Their to busy warranting their bunk ass ****. You'll be replacing that shaft before too long.
Had to get a stub from Keith also cause Randy's is out of Chromo Stubs . I did pick up a spicer stub for 75.00 @ CCOR in Athens, GA . CCOR has Lock Rite 60's for 315.00 a piece That is cheaper than I have found yet. loller.gif

I will have my **** ready for Feb Frenzy . :popcorn:
kid rok said:
Yukon ain't got ****. Their to busy warranting their bunk ass ****. You'll be replacing that shaft before too long.

You are probably right, But by doing this I get a locker installed that I need bad. And replace my broke lockouts with drive flanges. So my next upgrade on axles will be going with Longfield CV's. I might order 1 side at a time because these parts are ripping the roots out of my money tree..... skully
caglezxj said:
I might order 1 side at a time because these parts are ripping the roots out of my money tree..... skully
Welcome to the wonderful world of wheeling. thumb.gif
because these parts are ripping the roots out of my money tree.....

Ya I know all to well the cost of axles. I bet I am on my 4th or 5th set of front 60 axles. I think my earlier problems with breaking was because I was turning too sharp and binding up the joints. I went with the high clearance shafts and now I and breaking axle shafts. I have broke two Yukon stubs in the last month or so. One I was turning around on leaves and the other I was trying to go up a muddy dirt hill. Yukon has always brought the suck for me :'(
kid rok said:
Ya I know all to well the cost of axles. I bet I am on my 4th or 5th set of front 60 axles. I think my earlier problems with breaking was because I was turning too sharp and binding up the joints. I went with the high clearance shafts and now I and breaking axle shafts. I have broke two Yukon stubs in the last month or so. One I was turning around on leaves and the other I was trying to go up a muddy dirt hill. Yukon has always brought the suck for me :'(

I think mine might be over turning. I need to check it out. Both of mine broke while I had the wheels turned and in the gas. But oh well it is just money, right? molaugh
kid rok said:
Ya I know all to well the cost of axles. I bet I am on my 4th or 5th set of front 60 axles. I think my earlier problems with breaking was because I was turning too sharp and binding up the joints. I went with the high clearance shafts and now I and breaking axle shafts. I have broke two Yukon stubs in the last month or so. One I was turning around on leaves and the other I was trying to go up a muddy dirt hill. Yukon has always brought the suck for me :'(

I didn't think you even wheel. How are you breaking shafts? :flipoff1:
didn't think you even wheel. How are you breaking shafts?

Theirs a couple of real real close places by me. Like just the other day, I drove about a mile up the road and hit a construction site. I was doing some of that formula type stuff, climbing a huge pile of dirt. Plus I drive around my subdivision and sling circles in the culdasacs while the bearners cheer me on.
caglezxj said:
I think mine might be over turning. I need to check it out. Both of mine broke while I had the wheels turned and in the gas. But oh well it is just money, right? molaugh
hell, i broke mine cuttin dirty donuts.... skully