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Rite Aid Seams Disinterested

John Galbreath Jr.

38 Special & Solo Buggy
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
Wife got a call today from someone with a close last name "Gal...." It was a call on her cell phone that not many folks know. The lady says she has one of Nan prescriptions, and has taken it. What is it for? The script was for Ambian. The lady took it this morning and then drove to work. Started feeling sleepy and that is when she looked at the bottle. It had Nan's name on it and her cell number. She also works at an attroneys office. They had Nan call and have them check her script she was to pick up this afternoon. Sure enough, it has the other ladys prescription in Nan's bag, waiting for pick up. The lady said it looks like what she was supposed to take. RiteAid, is like "I" am not the one that filled it, you will have to call back tomorrow and ask for *****. IMO, this is not just some small mistake.

I see the problem, but isnt it your responsibility to check the bottle? Insuring it is the correct drug, correct strength, and its yours? I mean you are fixing to put it in your body.

Sure Riteaid made a mistake, those happen, how they handled it sucked as well. But more scary is the fact that someone took drugs without confirming what it was they were putting in themselves. :dunno:
Mistakes happen. I am sure with the lawsuit craze it is scary for the person that took the phone call. It could be a deadly mistake in some cases. But I am with Wyatt, I always check my prescriptions when I have one filled to make sure it is the correct medication. Sad to say, but I bet that happens more often than you would think.
They did give Nan her script for free when she picked it up. I agree the lady should have looked before she took it. We were not "damaged" in this, so I have no reason to persue it further. I bet the lady, as she works for lawyers, will do something. Probably be settled without fault for several thousands.
Yeah, they will get sued. I guess the dumbshit lady was not too worried about the different pill from what she was used to taking ::)

Of course, it may have been a new script. Who knows, someone will pay though. Mistakes can't happen.
We do live in a letigious society... there must be a a finger pointed !!! :indianajones:
That is definitely not minor "mix-up."

It happens everyday and people lose money for it everyday.
Somewhere in the checks and balances something went wrong.

RiteAid is not the best place for prescriptions, but they should not have made such a gross error.

As Nolen Said, mistakes can't happen in the business of medicine....