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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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Anybody know anything about these cars. I have been looking a cheap ass ride just to go to back and forth to work and stuff. Buddy of mine has one for sale - 92 model 4cyl 5 speed was his girfriends - says it gets like 35mpg. At least 200k he is asking $1,000 OBO :dunno:
El-Crap-O I've had several friends with them and everyone of them had lots of problems.

Other folks love the **** outta them , its one of "those" type's of cars IMO. :dunno:
Just talking to my neighbor last weekend. His wifes is an 04, said it's worth maybe 2K

This is where it gets deep. He is a constant **** talker. It has 240hp, 4cyl, gets 44 mpg to. Decent car, I'd never own one and I have a Vitara. molaugh
Ex had a 93 SC-1 I think it was called, had fan probs with it mostly, but she finally wrecked it. A guy pulling up to a red light decided he wanted in the turning lane after she was already there and hit her on the side. The cars so light that it flipped her over and send her skidding. All this while doing about 15 mph for both of them.
I have a friend who drove one for years. He had a few minor problems with it but nothing that I would say was indicative of a bad make. Mechanically they are very simple and not innovative at all. For $1000 I'd buy it and drive it and fix it myself when something went wrong. They do get great mileage.

J. J.
They're POS cars... even to the point GM is eliminatng the Saturn line up.... But if you're look'in for a cheap A-> B car, doesn't sound bad I guess... don't plan on picking up any flashemifyougotem in that thing though
We got a 6 pack and drove around in the POS last night - it is really a on of the biggest junkers I have ever seen but the E-brake works well. Think we struck a deal at $800 :wtflol:
my girlfriend drives one.. Most beat u ppiece of **** you could imagine.
think turn 9 grand before it shifts..
But reliable as hell.. i love driving it just because of the dont have to give a **** factor...