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Nov 9, 2013
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So I got a call from a STEVEN GELLER today from the Department of US Treasury or so he said. This douche left me a long message about my "unpaid debt" and that i need to call him back asap. He had a heavy Indian accent. I find this funny because my wife is first generation born Indian American and she and her family have taught me a lot of Hindi over the years. So I call this ass hat back and he goes on and on about how I will be getting my check garnished if I do not start paying down my debt or pay it completely off then he started speaking Hindi to his buddy. Then I started speaking Hindi, called him a FAG and let him know if he ever called my house again that I would hunt him down, put him back on a boat and ship his ass back to India.
I know "great story jackass" but I just thought I would let others know of this stupid con.

The number they call from is 415-685-8905
My mom repeatedly had a heavy India accent guy calling her on her cell phone and saying that he was from the Social Security Administration and needed to review her benefits. She told him to mail the info but he kept calling every few days. He happened to call when I was there and that stopped her calls.
I had a guy call last week on my cell and said " you just bought a clearing house sweepstakes ticket right". I said no and he hung up. ****, maybe I should have said yes!!
Funny this came up. I was headed back to Morris Mountain on Thanksgiving day when my phone rang. It was a recorded message stating there was a problem with my Visa debit card and to press 1 to resolve the issue and reactivate the card. I don't have a Visa debit card...

2010 Jim's Garage 4429
2012 Jim's Garage YJ
2013 Wide Open Design WFO
My dad had a great way of dealing with the unwanted calls. He would tell them he was hard of hearing and ask them to repeat it louder. After 2 or 3 repeats he would tell them he will go get his wife because she hears better. He then would just lay down the phone receiver. ;D
Same exact thing happened to a guy on Facebook a few days ago, that I only know through the wheeling community.

Quoted from his Facebook post, long but good read. I would have been furious.


Just had an attempted scam occur.

My father received a phone call from a woman supposedly from the US Department of the Treasury. They told him that they were looking for me, and that if I did not call them back today, the local police department would arrest me tomorrow on federal charges. They would not tell dad what it was about, but told him to have me call KEITH NELSON at (949) 467-1241.

So my dad, fearing that his son may have a federal charge against him, called me and told me about it. I was out to lunch with a colleague of mine, and we started to dig into this a bit. "This has to be a scam." After some investigation, we found that a 949 area code is for Newport Beach, and we confirmed that Newport Beach does not have a Department of the Treasury office. So we suspected "scam" right away.

I told my father I would wait until I got back to the office, before I called them. But he couldn't stand not knowing what was going on, so he did some recon and called them too. They were hateful and would not speak with him. So once he told me that, I went ahead and called them.

"Hello, department of the… uh… United States Treasury. How can I help you?" It sounded a bit like an Indian accent, but not exactly.

"I'm supposed to talk to Keith Nelson."

"I am officer Keith Nelson." – Keith Nelson is from India/Pakistan? KEITH. NELSON. … no.

"Um. Okay. Well, I am supposed to call you. You called my dad, saying I needed to call, but wouldn't tell him why."

"Can I get your information?"

"My information?"

"What number did we call to contact you?"

"256, 489, ****"

"Is this Matthew Wright?"


"I am calling you today [NOTE, I CALLED HIM] because there are legal pbaldkjfha;hwkthad" he started getting very sloppy with his accent, and I couldn't understand one word he said.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I couldn't understand you."

He sighs.

"I am calling you today, because there are legal proceedings which have already started, and there is a warrant for your arrest. This call is to get your legal information, so we can get the legal process started, and to issue the warrant."

"On what charge?" I cut him off, and was stern, but I did not raise my voice at all, and did not express any emotion at this point.

"You did not receive asd;lfkas;ahba from the IRS!?"

"Absolutely not." I was admittedly short with him at this point, but I did not raise my voice or act angry. Just more of a skeptical tone.


"Because you are claiming to be from the Department of the Treasury, and you called me from a number that is in Newport Beach." Except, I only got to the "number" part before…

"GOOD DAY SIR!!!!!!" and he hung up.

He tried to bully me into giving him my legal information. No way, Jose… or I mean "Keith."

A police report will be filed. Waiting for an officer to call me from the Sheriff's department. The most infuriating thing was that my 74 year old father thought that there was some chance I could be put in jail on federal charges, and the helpless feeling that I could hear in his voice was something I haven't heard from him in years. That in itself is enough for me to pursue this to whatever end I need to, for these people to be punished for what they are doing to people.
My favorite thing is to quickly get some porn pulled up and turn the volumn up good and loud, and occasionally just say "hold on, I am almost done and then we can talk". Women usually hang up pretty quick.
mdo817 said:
My favorite thing is to quickly get some porn pulled up and turn the volumn up good and loud, and occasionally just say "hold on, I am almost done and then we can talk". Women usually hang up pretty quick.

Hahahahaha fawk that's funny **** :****:
If you can tell they have a heavy indian accent then just say one of these two words

for a man say BUY LOW- that is ******
for a woman say BUY LEE- that is lebian

or CHOAD which is **** you

or my favorite CHOAD BUY LOW= **** you ******
Buddy of mine got a call from the IRS saying he owed them for back taxes or some chit and wanted his address and ss#. He finally catches on and asks them "what's my name?" They hung up.

Sumbitches tried some of that on me recently, I made some reference to his camel fawkin his old lady and heard click. ;D
There is a scam going around.......... Be careful!!!
Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while at Home Depot. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you.
Here's how the scam works:
Two seriously good-looking 20 year-olds girls, I think these are college kids, They come over to your car as you are loading your vehicle. They both start wiping your
windshield with
a rag and Windex window cleaner, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask
you for a ride to McDonalds. You agree and they get into the back seat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and goes down
on you while the other one slips her hand between the seats and steals your wallet...!!
I had my wallet stolen July 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th &
28th. Also August 2nd & 4th, twice on the 8th & 9th!