Good stuff tonight. We confirmed that we will in fact do seperate logos and swag designs to distinguish member vs. non-member. RIcky is gonna tweak the logos, plus I am asking Opposum to try his hand at creating a non-members version in exchange for using it in his portfolio of work. Tellico details are updated in the Tellico thread. Brennan has some options on cabins in Windrock, check the Windrock trip thread for more info. We decided to pay $30/each to join SFWDA, money will be taking from the Tellico funds now that we have more going (probably cost $10 in addition to what you all have already paid). Meetings will occur the 1st Tuesday of each month (unless we have a schedule conflict with a holiday) at Loco's. Bring you ideas for ride locations, dates and frequency for 2008 to the next meeting and let's hash that out.
Good times, thanks to everybody that come out