I guess we know were David stands. laughing1
Ive got tech from them and talked to them about buying but have never. they helped me with spring rates the first time I bought Coilovers on that Donna chicks Jeep that never got completed because someone I use to deal with was a **** stick and that Jeep will never move because thats the way alot of fuggers in certain cliques roll, they start **** never finish it part it out and talk big **** on how they built this that and the other and people swing from there nuts like tarzan because they are internet local cool guy that once upon a time were the big dawg with 33s and had lockers before anyone else had lockers so that meant they were the coolest forever and ever and nothing mattered after the fact even if they turned out to be complete ****buckets and never wheeled again happily ever aftermath.
laughing1 What chu buyin Cole ?