Good stuff John !
My GF's son was born HLHS and has had 3 heart surgies. To say he is a miracle baby doesnt even do it justice. We went to the Heartwalk last weekend and it was amazing the amount of people affected by stuff like this. We should all count our blessings and support great causes like these ! Great work to everyone that attended Shamrock and made it happen too ! Bad ass !
HLHS def...
Hypoplastic Left Heart syndrome (HLHS)
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, or HLHS for short, means that the left side of the heart did not develop normally. Therefore, the mitral and aortic valves are usually tiny or absent, as are the the left ventricle and the first part of the aorta. Perhaps the most critical defect in HLHS is the small, underdeveloped left ventricle. In a normal heart, this chamber is very strong and muscular so it can pump blood to the body. When the chamber is small and poorly developed, it will not function effectively and cannot provide enough bloodflow to meet the body's needs. For this reason, an infant with HLHS will not live long without surgical intervention. Parents are given a number of options depending on when the diagnosis is made potentially including -- abortion of the fetus, compassionate care (no surgical intervention which results in the baby passing away usually within the first two weeks of life) or one of a number of surgical option.