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Sick buggy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cole
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Someone needs to jump on this buggy.
No f'n way, god I love that rig. Wish I had the dough and could sell mine quick. That is one of the few rigs out there I would sell my rig for.
You know, the PRUDENT thing is to do just that. Wait and sell your rig and then this one will be long gone.

The SMART thing to do is borrow a little cash, BUY IT, and then figure out how to pay for it.

WORST CASE, you pay a few hundred dollars in interest while you Heep waits to be sold.

Take a risk. All the good buggies go in days, sometimes hours.

SAVE yourself thousands and thousands of dollars and get a super well equipped rig.
daayum... if I knew that'd go for that price I woulda skipped building my own and started saving cash!! that thing is wicked. I've seen it in action and got some fawkin crazy video from Monte's place in colorado... :drinkers:
I bet it could easily be made into a 2 seater. Looks like it to me anyway.

Even at full asking price of 30K, that is a TON of bling that can be switched over to a different chassis. That said, the skins and stuff on that rig are my all time favorite.
Nothing is in the place of the passenger seat but the NOS and something like the old rear steer controls? Look at the feature in CRAWL, you can see it would take nothing to put a seat there.

EDIT: Not a word about not having your mag yet! ;D
Nolens right, I remember reading somewhere that it was 48"s across inside. Thats two seater all the way! And that thing will be gone before you can snap your fingers. All the good buddies go that fast and especially at $30k, thats a damn good deal.

Come on fat kids jump on that jelly donut!

EDIT: I just relooked at that pic on the ad, I must have been on some good ****, I remember 48, but that thing looks close to 42-44 across. Thats a bit tight.

EDIT again: Refreshed and saw all the posts after Nolens, looks like 44" , wow, I'm kind proud of my eye being able to put that in perspective and pull that away from it. DAMN.

44" is tight for two big guys, but its still doable, you just rub shoulders.
Stinky is 44" across and two suspension seats fit just fine.

Riders are overated anyway.......
Speeding said:
Nothing is in the place of the passenger seat but the NOS and something like the old rear steer controls? Look at the feature in CRAWL, you can see it would take nothing to put a seat there.

EDIT: Not a word about not having your mag yet! ;D

Hey Ricky I will just grab my non-existent issue that i have here :flipoff1:
i wish you guys could see this video I have of him fawkin gettin it................ that 4.3 screams... don't believe me lol but the footage don't lie!! :drinkers:
Its 44"s wide. I emailed and asked him about it. He said you could put another seat in, but it would take time and be really close together.
If its any consolation Cole, my buggy is 44 3/4" wide between the bars. I'm 6' 1" 230, and I've had another 6' guy that if he weighs less than 300 I'd be surprised in it. Wasn't super comfortable with him in there but it was do able. Now that 530 lbs of men, I'd say that an extreme case.
You can fit 2 seats in there and be super comfortable all day, with two guys my size.

So I'm thinking its 44"s wide to the outside huh? That'd make ya 40 1/2 inside to inside, tight, but very doable. And depending on your size.......prolly even more doable.
Hell I am only 5'11 170lbs, and we all know Lori is tiny, damn I would love to have it.
It will be gone before I can sale my jeep and I don't want another loan payment.
Oh well, maybe another time.
Ok so it doesn't have rear steer any more. That sucks, but its still badass. Sorta explains why he only wants 30k for it.
Cole said:
Its 44"s wide. I emailed and asked him about it. He said you could put another seat in, but it would take time and be really close together.

i am fat...well, kindof....5'9" 200#......my 'car' is 44" wide, i have 2 mastercraft seats in it and big dave and i have sat in the thing side by side.....no worries...not like it is supposed to be a fawking limo either....

that thing is NOICE....someone needs to get that bastard and hook it the fawk up.....