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Slow wednesday


XBJRA champ/ 555 and team Nasty codriver
May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Kansas, where we know how to wheel, nowhere to go
So Miles has a chunk of meat or sinew hanging out of the back of his leg now.
Wed night was parade night in Paola, county fair happening.
Later that night, Jrich is there from Bama, Paul down from 30 min away, 7 or so guys in Miles' garage.
Paola is a town that takes their law fawking serious. No slippin here, its to the fawkin jail.
Miles and Paul decide they want to go down the main road in town (6k people) on the fitty at 11 pm to McD's and get drive thru
Cop is on them in 3 blocks. Paul bails into the houses on the right at speed. Miles goes left around a house. when he emerges from other side of house, cop is already spun around and on him. He runs back to his house on a bone stock ragged out fitty at all of 27 mph. There is an old little 1/2 acre "track" with like 2 jumps and 3 berms overgrown with evergreens by miles' housing development at the edge of town, half on the state property for US 169 highway, half on city property, kind of no mans land. 2:1 slope from road down to it, 20' of elevation change, 40' long slope. Miles went off at full speed and right as he left the asphalt he hit a post, flipped to the bottom and ate **** into a tree or some foreign body, cop on his ass up on the road. He's limping around trying to hide, the cop is spotlighting him. He hides the fitty under a tree and limps off before the cop can get him and hides behind houses in his development. Cop goes to his house, harrasses everyone, writes a parking ticket, leaves.
Now miles has a gash on his calf and right where calf turns to achilles tendon there is a hole through his skin and some meat hanging out.
I'm sure after it's infected we'll get some pics up like the throwing star wound.
You can't not love that guy, but damn :wtflol:
You sure it wasn't P throwing Ninja Stars at him again that made that hole? molaugh

Pic's :dunno:
blacksheep10 said:
On sunday we went to get my rzr's out of the field and he was like, "it hurts to have this much fun" laughing1

Seems like I remember hearing him say the same thing the last couple of times I have hung ou with him too! :)
Hurts me too. apparently I tore my ACL sometime recently. My MRI from thurs came back with ACL torn in half and cartilage in half as well. I figured I just twisted it again, feels like it always does when I hurt it. Limp 2 weeks, get over it.
Rode on it all sat, then partially dislocated my shoulder Sat night tearing the front wheel off my rzr :wtflol: I'm not 22 and indestructible anymore skully
blacksheep10 said:
: I'm not 22 and indestructible anymore skully

I have to constantly remind myself that I am that way. I'm not always successful though, especially when I ride anything behind a boat. :****:
At least you had fun feeling that way!
I fealt like that after digging up a water leek under the deck :puke:
Those were stunt doubles, that was not actually Miles and I. In fact they were high paid Hollywood types that flew in just so we could impress Miles neighbor with antics ! :dblthumb: