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So, Should I Get Her A Locker?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
Stock 4Runner Battles Reiter!

This is just a good picture, so I had to make a thread to share, haha. My girlfriend came out playing with the big trucks Saturday, and got all twisted up where two trails meet. I ended up having to give her a little tug up and over that lip her front end is touching. Her front right and rear left tires were spinning pretty good though (front was hardly touching the ground, rear not at all) :D You cant really see it, but on her passenger side of the truck there is a trail coming up to meet the one we were on, so it was kinda awkward in all directions. Its also hard to tell, but the hill side to the right of the picture was a little steep and slippery and you couldn't really hug it without sliding into the other trail coming up the hill. We know because thats what we tried, haha.

Actually, she did really well, and if she just had an ounce more momentum, she would've gotten over that little lip. It was a little hard to get her that far at first, but once she did, the truck just started to pop over, but for some reason it just didn't carry enough to get her over it. Oh well, a little tug from my truck and she was over.

I was pretty impressed with where we convinced that completely stock little thing to go with her street tires at full pressure. It was snowy and muddy slop, so her tires just packed, but we still persuaded it up a hill climb or two, and through some pretty rutted valleys and stuff in the really sandy area at Reiter.

All in all, I was very impressed with the truck, but even more with her since it was only her second real time with that truck off road. She definitely learned the technique of rocking the truck, moving the wheel back and forth to look for a bite, and it seemed she was really getting a grasp on the whole concept of when to and when not to use the throttle to move her along.

Anyway, just wanted to share a cool picture, and a little bit of the story!


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i Know exactly were that pic was taken, and i think i will try to make it up to reiter at a reasonable hour in my chero2wdthing... who knows, i might even make it past were she made it :haha:
That is awesome man, I wish I could've been there. Today I'm going up to my cabin up on taylor mountain where we have 30 acres, and I'm sure there is some snow up there. I will try to get some pictures and let you know how it went, then you still have to take me to Reiter sometime. :D
get her 'selectable' lockers, that way she only has to use them when absolutely needed, and otherwise can run on the roads with ease. plus she will have better opportunities to learn open and only selecting a locker when necessary.
i think i told you my opinion yesterday but i say wait a bit until she is ready to tackle bigger and badder obstacles, cus she did good on the stuff where she knew how to drive it, and still needs some work on the "different" obstacles. so i say get that thing crossed up, sideways on a hillside with 40' drops on either side then you should start thinking about a locker:redneck:
olllllllo said:
No, you should get her TWO lockers. Maybe a lift and some bigger tires too while you're at it. :;

you know amanda when i read this, the first thing that came to my mind was......WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT USE THE FRONT LOCKER:flipoff: :flipoff:
let me know what you need, and I'll see what I can do.:redneck:
Shoot me a PM next time you head up. It was fun I'll have to get up there
Boonie Buster said:
i think i told you my opinion yesterday but i say wait a bit until she is ready to tackle bigger and badder obstacles, cus she did good on the stuff where she knew how to drive it, and still needs some work on the "different" obstacles. so i say get that thing crossed up, sideways on a hillside with 40' drops on either side then you should start thinking about a locker:redneck:

Crossed up, Are you joking? IFS :flipoff:
Stick with Victoria Secret, When she can figure out what she wants and WHY, she can order it and learn how to talk the talk so-to-speak. By all means you can help her put it in too..... But she has to "want" it. Then she'll be able and willing to do trail repairs if necessary too..... :redneck:

Thats awesome that she likes to drive and is good at it. Good for you. but don't set yourself up to have 2 (or more) rigs to work on. :mad:
Symon623 said:
Stick with Victoria Secret, When she can figure out what she wants and WHY, she can order it and learn how to talk the talk so-to-speak. By all means you can help her put it in too..... But she has to "want" it. Then she'll be able and willing to do trail repairs if necessary too..... :redneck:

Thats awesome that she likes to drive and is good at it. Good for you. but don't set yourself up to have 2 (or more) rigs to work on. :mad:

Actually, its a little late for that. Shes planning things for her rig faster than I am mine sometimes. Every time we see bigger trucks, or she goes out with us, I hear nothing but "my 4Runner wants to be bigger" or "when my 4Runner grows up" for the next few days. We can be sitting around watching CSI or Law & Order or something, and on a commercial break she will just bust out with something about how she wants bigger tires or something for her truck, completely unrelated to anything we were just watching other than the fact its been stewing in her mind, lol. Its so funny, haha.

So far, Ive got my truck, her 4Runner, and a little secret project Im collecting bits and pieces for that consists of a lot of tube, but thats VERY low priority right now. Someone asked me why I don't put more effort into that creation the other day. My answer was simple. Its missing the most parts :D


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