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Being called an asshole is not a first for me, but I could honestly give a flying fawk what you think.  I am glad that you have finally stepped up and said it, instead of filtering it through others.  I go on a long ramble about you in the same fashion, but I will spare myself the typing and others the reading.  It is obvious by the first quoted paragraph about that the Hardline Custom boards where your own little soap opera, even though you did not post in them.  This has nothing to do with Wanker or PBB, all that **** is out of context and are shitty examples.  Don't even start talking **** you know nothing about.  Honesty and loyalty are traits I value a great deal, which is why I will always go to bat for Paul, Brennan, Joel, Louis, David, Pat, Kelly, etc, etc., or any of my other friends regardless of the situation.  I wrote Wanker off because he talked **** about me and my rig on numerous occasions.  PBB does suck for anything but tech, but the ride in Harlan is not put on by Lance and Camo, it is put on by fellow members and I want to meet some of the SE guys I talk with online.  That is all, but thanks for dropping this as you mentioned earlier.

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