Dear Bunk;
Try the rednek speed bleeding method, my friend. You may find that it's faster, cleaner and more effective than using the store bought speed bleeders. In order to make it work for you, do this:
1. Insert a length of 1/8" clean vac hose over the bleed nipple of one of the cylinders/calipers
2. Insert the other end of the hose into a clean container with a small amount of clean brake fluid in it. Ensure that the free end of the hose is COMPLETELY immersed in the fluid.
3. Open nipple
4. Pump brakes slowly and gently 4 or 5 times
5. Check master cylinder and add more fluid if needed.
6. Close nipple, remove hose and repeat steps 1 thru 5 for the other 3 cylinders/calipers.
What is happening is this. As you pump on the brakes, the air exits the nipple and travels down the vac hose into the brake fluid in the container and then escapes to the surface as air bubbles. On the return stroke, brake fluid is sucked into the wheel cylinder/caliper because the end of the hose is immersed in brake fluid, so air cannot re-enter the system. For a container, I like the large 2 liter glass Coke bottles. They don't tip and the hose stays put because of the small opening. Simple, huh? And it costs nothing more than the price of a couple of feet of vac hose, some brake fluid and a Coke bottle.
Your friend;