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John Galbreath Jr.

38 Special & Solo Buggy
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
I just gave him a three day ban, and asked him to stop bashing the builders on here or it would be permenant.
Good, I don't care for his negative ass on this board. He has nothing good to say about anybody. I have been told he is just a 22 year old punk that has his first bicycle with training wheels and is running his mouth off. I was told even Jimmy Smith is pissed at him for his bashing. BAN BAN BAN :ban:
I talked to him at WErock and he seemed like a nice guy and apologized if he upset anyone, saying he's just playing around since he's friends with all those guys. then he posted more hate... I asked him how he could fit his huge ego in those tiny smith chassis, he didn't respond. :dunno:
I don't think you should give out bans without asking the group, unless they are spammers.

I think he is just doing it as a joke. It is funny but with as much as Coleworx is sucked off on these forums it is kinda funny to see them talking **** to him. I really think he is doing it as a joke and it is not that serious. Banning him only makes us look stupid as we don't have a dog in this fight as it involves none of us personally.
I don't want to run our builders off. They are an important part of HardLine. Posts like these do not improve our image:

"This coming from one of Brian Coles Goober Gooblers??? I would rather be taking Wes Keans DNA any day of the week over Brian Coles... atleast my kid will come out drinking beer and chewing tobacco... yours is going to come out with batman, superman, and pokemon outfits!"

"this must be another one of your fans tim? please ease your penis out of his throat so he is able to say more than just rape.... thanks"

"Tommy... i hate to break the news to you but your little blue buggy there looks like ****.. you and jimmy need to step it up.. it is 2010..."

I have him a 72 hour ban, if the club does not feel that is within my rights as a mod, you need to find someone else to do it.
People talk **** all the time, that is what makes it Hardline. It is the internet and should be left at that. Coleworx makes a post once a month maybe? I guess I don't see the big deal in talking some ****, it just makes standifer look like a douche on his own. Like I said, this is not club business nor does it involve any of us directly so I think we should let it be.

The Jimmy Smith crew is proud of themselves for building a rig for Tim, they are just trying to pound their chests a little. I am sure none of it is backed directly by Jimmy smith, but I doubt he doesn't enjoy the fact that Tim dropped BCole for JSmith and now these guys are pointing that out....
I have been told that Jimmy has not chimed in due to the fact he is embarrassed this guy is running his mouth off. Maybe good publicity for him and maybe bad, depending on how you look at it. I have spoken with Brian C and he has assured me that he and Jimmy are friends and respect each others business ethics and are not behind this guys childish antics. Yes he is stirring the pot, but this will get him a couple of cut tires and an ass kicking. This kind of publicity is not good for us at all, thick skin or not. I agree that a 3 day ban might slow his lips and maybe not, but it has definitely caused some problems for more than just the builders. John, you are a moderator and I think you have done the right thing in not banning him totally, but fired off a warning shot. If he continues his rant once he gets back on, (and I am sure he will) then we should put it to a vote in front of the board.
I agree with John on this point. I enjoy cutting up on this board just as much as the next guy, BUT I don't see the need for some of this junk. It appears to me that you have a group of guys that don't care what people think, feel or say on here. I thought "Hardline" referred to the path we would take on the trails, and not the life we would be a part of.

I have always bragged up the rock crawling crowd as being some of the best people I have ever met. That's what I felt at the time and still do. That's why it concerns me that Matt feels like we have no dog in this fight. I would rather be a part of something productive and useful for future positively inspired wheelers looking for more than a forum to express their deepest thoughts of perversion.
We don't have a dog in this fight, just that it is on our boards. The people doing it are not members or even regulars on the boards. I agree his posts are off color, but what are you going to do to change it? The internet is just that, the internet. It is immature and stupid, but it is his choice to act like he does. I am just tired of all the stupid man drama. If people wanna talk ****, let them it reflects on them and them alone. They make their own choices. I know for a fact one long-time member is posting under an alias to try and stir **** up. He is also over 50 years old, so it is pretty sad IMO. Like I said, people make their own choices we shouldn't have to police it unless it breaks the rules of our forums....
There is a lot of pointless, immature, crude, rude, posts all over our website. It was posted (usually) by active well rounded members of the site. Standifer's posts are exclusively bad natured. It's tough being an angry young man. He needs to confronted about his bad attitude and he can earn the right to occasionally bash someone. I've learned the pot has to be careful how he calls the kettle black. An interesting question, is the site getting more or less visitors and are they the quality people we want? A poll might be interesting and serve to clean up the whole site.
Matt, there's less than 10 of us with access to this, who's the **** stirrer.
Matt O. said:
We don't have a dog in this fight, just that it is on our boards. The people doing it are not members or even regulars on the boards. I agree his posts are off color, but what are you going to do to change it? The internet is just that, the internet. It is immature and stupid, but it is his choice to act like he does. I am just tired of all the stupid man drama. If people wanna talk ****, let them it reflects on them and them alone. They make their own choices. I know for a fact one long-time member is posting under an alias to try and stir **** up. He is also over 50 years old, so it is pretty sad IMO. Like I said, people make their own choices we shouldn't have to police it unless it breaks the rules of our forums....

MAN DRAMA? I gave my opinion after you voiced yours. I said I backed John, and I still do. The issue is not who is right or wrong. It really is about what you stand for or are willing to tolerate on our forum.

My first concern is of the image of the Club. But I also think calling somebody out publicly over a decision they made as an appointed staff member is disrespectful. One of the most critical rules in appointing a person to a leadership positions is to give them the authority to uphold the position. At any time their authority is removed so is their power. You may as well not have a moderator at all.

I heard the name "HARD LINE CRAWLERS" before I ever had a chance to have a vehicle that would get close to some of the trails you guys liked to hit. So I see the club from a visitors point of view as well. When I went to Iron Gap with you guys I did not hardly sleep the night before with excite and anticipation of the days events ahead. Even though I destroyed some stuff and broke two bones in my left hand, I had a blast. That's same excitement will be in the hearts and minds of many of our future guest. That's how I would like to see this club. I excepted the invitation to be a member of this club with a lot of pride and seriousness. We have an opportunity to make a positive influence on the youth of our sport by our actions and words. These other clowns could be too, but they are way too cool for that.