4.3 turbo 350, 203, stak 3 speed front and rear steer rocks, 16 in radflow coils front, 16 fox air/nitro rear , 47LTB and plan for it to be a 2.5/ 3 seater
those are getting changed today actully, just happend to have those joints for mock up. the bolts in the pics are 9/16 the new joints will have 3/4 grade 8 in them.
the 4.3 is a starter motor, this is going to a lucky 12 year old, as he grows so will the motor. thanks for the replies, keep them coming. I am open to any critisisum or thoughts.
you replied as I was typing.
Holy too much gearing batman Good lord, are you hoping to run the 203 in low and the other case in something other than the middle gear so it doesn't jump out?
not exactly sure on top of cage hieght, but will get a measurement asap. should have another test shake down run this weekend. had to redo the coilover mounts on the front, the tires were rubbing and they broke a shaft. It was originaly built for air shocks.
lookin good get rid of the grade 8 fastnr on suspension we been breaking 3/4 grade 8. go too grade9 have twice the sheer strength we broke alot grade 8 3/4 link bolts on fat girl rockwell project never broke grade 9 also called L9
thanks for the comps guys. I dont think this buggy will be beat on like fat girl but thanks for the info on the grade 9, if we start breaking them I am sure they will get upgraded.