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Starting soon--increased enforcement at Reiter

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-Oh no I picked a side-
Mar 26, 2001
Da gold bar
The word has been passed down.

Enforcement is being stepped up--and I mean stepped up. Be ready for this starting in may.

From what the DNR has told us, there will be enforcement presence daily and at night also. For those who wheel there at night, be ready for hassle. I don't think they are going to let anything slide anymore but thats just speculation. They are going to have DNR E&E officers and county so be ready for a mix of enforcement officers.

So make sure if you are not street legal, stay off the pavement and take the needed route from the first parking area to the upper areas.

Also make sure you do not have campfires on the ground, they must be in a elevated burn thing.

I am just passing on what we were told at the RTW meeting and know nothing beyond that.
:eeek: The guy from the DNR that taked to us sunday told us that the cops were losing there funding for patoling the trails.
From what I heard last night, They found money to keep going. Guess we will see
This is crap. The dude in the red pickup is basically a hall monitor Nerd. I don't like it. I don't like him. Every other goverment agency is making cut backs and the DNR steps up enforcement in the woods, where I hang out. Great

Thanks for keeping us informed though Mike.
This is crap. The dude in the red pickup is basically a hall monitor Nerd. I don't like it. I don't like him. Every other goverment agency is making cut backs and the DNR steps up enforcement in the woods, where I hang out. Great

Thanks for keeping us informed though Mike.

Actually, david is very avid in helping us and I am glad we have somebody with his attitude there..

There are 2 major things that helps us--education and enforcement. It may suck to have more of them out there---but ask yourself this darby---do you want to have the area to use or no?

If you follow the rules then you will never have a problem.
Maybe the increased funding will be coming from all the revenue they make handing out tickets to the bozos who screw these things up for the responsible users. If that's the case then perhaps a secondary result from this will be we will see less and less of the ones who ruin it for everyone.
Maybe the increased funding will be coming from all the revenue they make handing out tickets to the bozos who screw these things up for the responsible users. If that's the case then perhaps a secondary result from this will be we will see less and less of the ones who ruin it for everyone.
Well put! :awesomework:

RTW, WOW, and DNR will be providing education about responsible trail use to those who are willing to learn.
Bottom line is..
If we don't all play nicely...the greenies will just manage a way to get our sandbox taken away eventually, and trust me...they are trying! :corn:
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This is crap. The dude in the red pickup is basically a hall monitor Nerd. I don't like it. I don't like him. Every other goverment agency is making cut backs and the DNR steps up enforcement in the woods, where I hang out. Great

Thanks for keeping us informed though Mike.

That 'dude in the red pickup' actually participates in RTW meetings and such on his own time. He also meets with other ORV groups as well.
He is not against ORV usage and is actually a proponent.
Keep fighting the system...and the system will win.
Infighting will just make it easier.
This is crap. The dude in the red pickup is basically a hall monitor Nerd. I don't like it. I don't like him. .

Better play nice with the nerds. They make YOUR RULES.:shaking:

Didnt you guys invite them to the party?:scratchhead:
Well put! :awesomework:

RTW, WOW, and DNR will be providing education about responsible trail use to those who are willing to learn.

So who has educated RTW and WOW so they can educate others and what are you trying to teach others?
I will be doing my part in the act of "Patrolling" My crew plans on being out there every chance we get. A presence of responsible wheelers at all times is a good way to keep the peace and keep it clean up there.:;
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I'm not pointing the finger at anyone or any single group, but David had this to say last night to me when speaking with him after the meeting.

"You guys didn't know what you were getting yourselves (ORV users) into with all of this"

As an example, the town of Index's water supply pickup and aquifer is pretty much dead center in the wheeling epicenter of Reiter. What do you think that means to ORV access/trails in that area?

Money is also tight, which means that nothing in regards to making up for lost trails due to required closures, when and if they happen, will happen quickly.

Even if we get a designated area and new trails, do you really think they will be as fun as Sac-Up, BYS or Rhinoland? Or we will we have just more trails like Evans & Walker...

The parking area which most folks refer to as the 1st pit could in all likelihood be mined again according to David
Just remembered.

Menke is aware of the Outlet Mall but they are apparently not concerned with our use at this point in time being that it was just logged and represents no potential loss in $$$ for them.

You can read into that all you want.
I for one will be using the piss out of it while its still open.:kiss:
Ya ORV park what a great idea. We can all wheel are tow rigs:D
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