After my little girl damn near dieing yesterday due to anaphylaxis, we are going riding in the woods. BTW, check your little ones for allergies by going to the doctor, not by watching them swell up like a balloon. Cashews, peanuts and other possible allergens don't take long. My daughter had about five more minutes before her windpipe would have been swollen shut. We went on a triple digit speeding trip to the ER. When it takes two minutes (literally) to get checked in and to a room, you officially have an emergency. I wanted to punch all the freeloaders in the mouth bitching they've been sitting there for hours in the mouth. You have a cold, my child is dieing, go to urgent care. Only one lady asked when I walked back out to get the keys out if my still running car if my child was OK. And they were there with multiple fractures of the arm and hand and were still waiting patiently in the waiting room. Blah my mind is back to racing. Loading up to go piddle, Epi Pen at the ready.
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