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Teach the slow guy how to reply dang it!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
in tha garage blowing smoke...
Okay. So apparently I do not know how to reply the correct way. Dammit. Three or four times someone has a suggested for someone to teach me.(starting to wonder if they know how) haha. Well I'm ready dammit! :flipoff1: I hit quote, and then I go under and put my reply. What the hell am I doing wrong? **** I feel like there might be some secret code like on Contra for Nintendo. Don't act like you don't know , up up down down left right left right, select start. :wtflol:
I'm waiting!!! :flipoff1:
kushKrawlin said:
Okay. So apparently I do not know how to reply the correct way. Dammit. Three or four times someone has a suggested for someone to teach me.(starting to wonder if they know how) haha. Well I'm ready dammit! :flipoff1: I hit quote, and then I go under and put my reply. What the hell am I doing wrong? **** I feel like there might be some secret code like on Contra for Nintendo. Don't act like you don't know , up up down down left right left right, select start. :wtflol:
I'm waiting!!! :flipoff1:
Mortal Kombat on sega was down, up, left, left, a button, right, down
kushKrawlin said:
Okay. So apparently I do not know how to reply the correct way. Dammit. Three or four times someone has a suggested for someone to teach me.(starting to wonder if they know how) haha. Well I'm ready dammit! :flipoff1: I hit quote, and then I go under and put my reply. What the hell am I doing wrong? **** I feel like there might be some secret code like on Contra for Nintendo. Don't act like you don't know , up up down down left right left right, select start. :wtflol:
I'm waiting!!! :flipoff1:
Its up down up down left right left right B A select start...lol..

I just hit quote then after it pops up hit enter to move under then start typing.
Hit quote, then go alllll the way to the bottom of the text box before you start typing. You are typing before the last thing in the quote, which should say [/Quote]. Make sure you type a line below that.
ibrokeit said:
Hit quote, then go alllll the way to the bottom of the text box before you start typing. You are typing before the last thing in the quote, which should say
. Make sure you type a line below that.
Testing for myself
ibrokeit said:
Hit quote, then go alllll the way to the bottom of the text box before you start typing. You are typing before the last thing in the quote, which should say
. Make sure you type a line below that.
Trying again.
ibrokeit said:
You did it right the first time. It screwed up because I typed the end quote command.
OK thanks. I've always wondered myself. Been looking at site for past couple of years, so I was thinking of starting to get more involved
85buggy said:
Hell o just hit the reply button. ??!!???

That is one way, then scroll down and you can attach as many quotes as you like by sellecting "Insert Quote" on the right. Easiest way to quote more than one.

kushKrawlin said:
Okay. So apparently I do not know how to reply the correct way. Dammit. Three or four times someone has a suggested for someone to teach me.(starting to wonder if they know how) haha. Well I'm ready dammit! :flipoff1: I hit quote, and then I go under and put my reply. What the hell am I doing wrong? **** I feel like there might be some secret code like on Contra for Nintendo. Don't act like you don't know , up up down down left right left right, select start. :wtflol:
I'm waiting!!! :flipoff1:
whiskeymakin said:
Smoke you anothern laughing1
Done. That was actually a dam good idea. It was in the books already tho. :****:

85buggy said:
Idk how to quote crap
Me either. Think I got it :dunno:

rednecklights said:
HTML fo lyfe !!!!


Jon Piper
I told you it's not you.. Its me.

Test one, two..
Think I got it.. Have sworn I was doing it before like this. Thanks for the help fellas.
kushKrawlin said:
Done. That was actually a dam good idea. It was in the books already tho. :****:

Me either. Think I got it :dunno:

I hate u..

Test one, two..
Think I got it.. Have sworn I was doing it before like this. Thanks for the help fellas.
TacomaJD said:
I still play Mortal Kombat on Nintendo 64! :****: "GET OVER HEEEERRRREEE!!!"
Sega CD had Dungeon and Dragons I still would like to have a SNES with Shadowrun....

Mortal Kombat is a classic for all times!
I've got a SNES, N64, and Xbox 360 in the living room. Got old Playstation One in storage too with a bunch of games including Twisted Metal :dblthumb:
kushKrawlin said:
Done. That was actually a dam good idea. It was in the books already tho. :****:

Me either. Think I got it :dunno:

I told you it's not you.. Its me.

Test one, two..
Think I got it.. Have sworn I was doing it before like this. Thanks for the help fellas. YOu suck at quoting