Ok. Here I go. I've never made a post on a thread like this but hell.....first time for everything.
BJMcummins.......you know what you are.....I don't need to say anymore.
On Aug 15th you backed over a 4 wheeler at the AOP. This 4 wheeler belonged to a 8 year old that was on his first wheeling trip ever. His parents had brought him from Florida. The little man rode it to the top of the mountain and parked it. I can't imagine how proud he was feeling after doing that and then watching a badass hill climb. However, when he returned his rig was destroyed. How do you think he felt then.....witnesses state he was devastated. Now......not being a man of any kind you hauled tail down the hill. No less that 3 people got pics of you doing the deed. I learned of the incident late that night from pics posted on the book of faces. Not knowing the vehicle I put it out to several friends and they told me that you was still camped out at the AOP. The morning of the 16th we waited for you to get out of bed and confronted you about it. You did not find us....we found you. You gave us your contact info and said you would make it right.
On Aug 17th I replied to the mother who had left me a nasty email concerning my event. She was upset and had every reason to be. I apologized to her and passed on the contact information that you supplied as well as my personal contact and stated if you didn't come thru that I would. They contacted you by phone and you indicated that you would take care of it.....just send the quote of repairs.
On Aug 22nd they sent you the repair bill. The repair bill was actually more that the cost of a new one.....how does this work you ask.....any dealership makes more off repair than the sale of any new machine. You was told it was cheaper to replace than repair at the $3720.00 new cost.
On Aug 27th you responded you couldn't open the attachment.
On Aug 28th it was sent to you again.
As of Sept 8th when I spoke with the parents again you had not responded.
On Sept 11th they received a $500 check from you. No explanation......no anything. They refused to cash the check.
The parents repeatedly tried to contact you to see what was up. Nothing. Either by email or phone.
They called me again yesterday the 22nd as I was driving to the AOP and told me of the situation. At that time I instructed them to not worry about it anymore.....I had the little man covered. Approximately 40 minutes later I was in a Polaris dealer and purchased a brand new one for him. The little man will return on Oct 10th at the final bounty and I will give it to him personally. Many people have come forward and offered to make a donation to help me cover it and I really do appreciate that. I take comfort in knowing that every jackass that gets into offroading is not like you BJMcummins. That little man was never going to go on another offroad trip without his own rig if I could help it.
P.S. John G.....please note I have never blasted anyone and probably never will again......don't lock me out......I do need this account