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This week in the garage... 1/12 - 1/18/09


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Stilwell, KS
I liked the thread P started past few weeks so let's get er goin again...

Well last week I got a couple loose ends on my motor put back together.. there wasn't much to do just valve cover gasket and put intake back on. Hook up a ground and finish radiator install. Pulled the seats so I can paint the interior. Sunday night I painted the bed of my truck.

This week I'll be figuring out how the 14 bolt goes back together, kinda forgot since it was eons ago when Kelly and I took it apart. Also I'll be pulling apart my front end to install the new axle shafts and slugs. Try and work in more painting of the truck. Bet y'all can't guess the color.

what it be in yer garage?!
im not doin **** cuz its goin to be cold for a few days... just let the rain/snow clean my jeep off.
Woods and I put the high steer arm son the thirty last night, I still need to make a tierod for it and make a bumper under the ram lke I did on Matt's buggy.

swap the Tom Woods 1350 offset joint inot the front shaft...

Go wheel it Saturday with the new orbital and other mods..
I have to do a few tings to finish mine. Bleed brakes, install tranny cooler, cut lexan kick panels, install side skins and hopefully get my seat covers to install those. I already filled the diffs last night so that is good.
Hopefully get my winch back together. I took it all apart to find nothing wrong anywhere :dunno:. Hopefully it works when I get it back together.
Got my pinion bearing from Sunfire today. ( big thanks to ya Scott for the hookup and fast delivery) Hopefully get my front back together before the weekend.
kid rok said:
Hopefully get my winch back together. I took it all apart to find nothing wrong anywhere :dunno:. Hopefully it works when I get it back together.

Hey if you still have problems with it send JuanHongloe a PM or call him. The shop he works at is a Warn Service center and he can get you taken care of.
The shop he works at is a Warn Service center and he can get you taken care of.

It's a T-Max. It made a loud pop when i was pulling myself out of ditch. Then it wouldn't pull in cable. Motor works fine and all the planetarys are fine. What else could it be.
kid rok said:
It's a T-Max. It made a loud pop when i was pulling myself out of ditch. Then it wouldn't pull in cable. Motor works fine and all the planetarys are fine. What else could it be.

muffla burrin'
jrhall said:
im not doin **** cuz its goin to be cold for a few days... just let the rain/snow clean my jeep off.
F-you, it's 8 below today and only getting worse and I have not ridden a motorcycle in 2 months. Yeah like I have motivation to do ****! Forks the the KTM are in, so I can go get them Saturday and get that back together for no other reason than to make vroom vroom noises :'(
I rode my bike last week! :flipoff1: 70 deg :flipgotcha: not today though, 32....too chilly for me..dont have cold weather riding gear.

I should be getting a few more parts in this week and prolly ordering some more. I am considering ordering one of those prefab cage kits for the cab so I can get that knocked out quickly. gotta research it a little more.
need to order shifter parts, 1410 yokes, and some other stuff

not much, supposed to be witch's titty cold here for the weekend...

going to change some oil in the dd's, sand some more on the '70 truck, and maybe clean the buggy.
kid rok said:
It's a T-Max. It made a loud pop when i was pulling myself out of ditch. Then it wouldn't pull in cable. Motor works fine and all the planetarys are fine. What else could it be.

You look at the engage switch ? I know mine is bad about popping in and out , you know how easy they are to switch back and forth as well.. I wonder if yours just flat out broke. I havent taken one of these apart so Im not sure what or how they do what they do, but that is the one thing I hate most about my Tmax. .. :dunno:
Cleaned Jeep last night.
Plan is to Grease it tonight, replace steering stop bolts re tighten all bolts on transmission and transfer case since I got it all back in and rode it once.
Put washers on torque converter bolts.

When I put everything back together when I put my Jeep in drive it goes pop. It is notreal loud but did not do this before. I thought it may have been torque converter bolts but checked them several times and they are all tight. Everything works great just a pop when you put it in gear and really only does it in the low range. Sounds like it is coming from the front of the transmission. Anybody got any Ideas????
Got the garage heated up last night and my roommate put his dog out there to feed her---she shits in the garage makin it all nice warm N steamy.. 3rd time this week :eek: (happened sunday, monday and yesterday)... OK new rule don't leave your sloppy ass dog in the garage laughing1... Had to open the garage door to air it out.. so by the time I get it warming again my propane heater runs outta propane :dunno: Damn.. go figure.. Got most of the inside of my cab painted with rattle bling black...
P said:
Dayum, between GF's and **** pants dog's this roommate sounds like a PITA ! laughing1

Yep.. I'm ready for the lil ninja to move out. Gonna try to stick it out a lil bit longer cuz the exta $ is nice to have esp. w/helping pay off some debts.
Bones said:
Yeah I am prolly gonna have auditions for Ronnie Part 2 come spring for extra coin and bill paying.

What I need to do is convert my basement into a studio apartment setup w/ bathroom so that I can rent that out for decent cheddar and stay outta each other's way.. Owell... Live n learn laughing1

Gonna add this to the plan for in the garage this week--finish painting rig. Got the bed all ready to go just needs a lil touchup.. gotta hit fenders/hood/cab now. I'm even going bling on this paintjob and hittin' it with some colorplace clearcoat :eek: :eek: :eek: Can't hide $0.96
kid rok said:
It's a T-Max. It made a loud pop when i was pulling myself out of ditch. Then it wouldn't pull in cable. Motor works fine and all the planetarys are fine. What else could it be.

There is prolly a sun gear that is in the end of the end housing that a hex shaped shaft slides into. That might be stripped out. Or the shaft might be rounded. Check that and if you have any problems let me know.