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Tire compound questions


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2010
corning ny
Local tire company to me in NY that vulcanizeds, retreads and services all makes of tires called me today, my buddy is a big wig for them...they want to get in the offroad tire market possibly and asked if I had a set of tires to expirement with. I have a well used set of 42" tsls laying around so we discussed it more and I guess it's a go! I'm looking at tread patterns this weekend and they are gonna work on tread compounds , I suggested a stickier compound and they are all for it....so my question is, what is the compound on a bfg red and a stickie swamper sx? I wanna throw some numbers at them so we have a jump off point, I'm gonna test these tires for them when their done, could be a huge flop or a really cool way to build a affordable tire
They can retread bead to bead any tire , the durability and compounds are gonna be the questions, I'm gonna test a set out when we figure out what compoun to make ... And they need donar tires, it's basically gonna be an individual basis, take your tires to them and they will do em up
This only in a 44.

Rockwells607 said:
so my question is, what is the compound on a bfg red and a stickie swamper sx?

i doubt this info is out there for anyone to know. i'm sure bfg and interco don't want other tire companies finding out their compound formula. maybe take them one of each (if possible) and see if they can figure it out, or if they have someone who can analyze it?
I think something like the old groundhawgs with more rubber so it can be grooved to suit,something with harder rubber outer lugs and a stickier compound center would be cool. That way they don't round off like the Krawlers. would them Turf tires some people run be good carcass to build from?
people have tested the durometer (probably spelled wrong) of different tire rubber, but there's way more to it than that.
I was told BFG is always changing the composition of their sticky rubber, always for the better. If you ever see one near bald, they look like a sponge.
I'm not inquiring on anyones formula for their rubber, almost every dirt track team has a simple durometer they check their tires with, that's all I was asking, sorry of I confused anyone , it's a simple device that poke the tire tread and measures the pressure somehow,hey do this cuz most classes have a specification for the class on the softness of tires, most dirt guys treat their own tires, I'm gonna show him the pic of the posted tire up top , I saw those before ....arnt they made in Brazil or something?
Peterson done a durometer tire test of some top tires a few years ago. Do a search and it will come up. You won't believe how good a tsl is. At the time iwas running 46 claws. There were terrible .