To a point a bearing is a bearing is a bearing. For people who don't have accounts ordering clevite77 from napa or a machine shop will work fine.
However, the installation is the critical part. You can install the most expensive bearing in the world but if the crank is worn out it's going to fail. Or if you don't inspect the oil pump or know what to look for while inspecting the oil pump. etc...
Bearing crush, and bearing to crank clearance is very important.
There are many other little things too. You have to set the thrust with a Toyota or it will wear uneven and eventually fail destroying the crank, and block. This is achieved by "setting" the Center main cap, tightening it to 30 lbs then loosening the bolts all the way back off. Then again tightening to hardly anything, like 5 lbs. After that is done, take a large deadblow and smack the front and rear of the crank. This sets the main cap perfectly perpendicular to the crank. Then tighten to the correct torque spec.
Installation of the other bearings is relatively straight farward.
The devil is in the details, anyone can assemble an engine this is true. But only an engine assembled with knowledge or a lot of luck will last.