A chilton's manual... :flipoff:
For the driver's side.. Pull the hub/rotor/spindle off... the shaft slides out of the diff. For the passenger side.. you can cut a clamp off on the rubber slip boot, and pull the passenger shaft off the slip joint and out after removing the hub/rotor/spindle. To get the slip joint out of the diff.. you have to pull the pig out of the axle beam. Remove the 10 bolts that retain it to the beam. Then remove the nut and washer on the driver's side radius arm at the frame braket, and pull it forward out of the braket. Then swing the radius arm outside out of the way so you can remove the verticle bolt that retains the pig to the back side of the axle beam. pull the pig out of there. (Have a large drain pan, it's gonna puke gear oil everywhere...) The pasenger shaft is reatined in the beam with a sping type c-clip. remove the clip, and it will pull straight out of the diff.