There are several things you can check.
The injector should have 12V on it anytime the key is on. The ECM/computer sends the ground to the other side of it to fire it.
Think of it as a rely that gets energized when the ground is connected.
So check for 12V on the both sides of the injector with the key on.
Then crank the engine and the light will flash or the meter will pulse as the ECM applies the ground.
Now the ECM needs the get a DRP-distr ref pulse from the distr/ICM before it will send the ground to the injector. This keeps the inj from dumping fuel in the motor when there is no spark.
You can also disconnect the wires from the inj and measure the resistance.
The spec is either in your manual, which I know you own, or look under troubleshooting on
As for timing...there is bypass connector that allows you to set the static timing. You can check it while cranking the engine.
But if you get it to run you can set it about 20* at a warm idle for a 4.3 with the bypass still connected.
GM Central Port Injection Unit (CPI) 4.3L