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Was December Meeting ? Now HARDLINE CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: December Meeting ?

We were going to do a Christmas party instead of a meeting in Dec, but looks like neither will happen. I feel like the general lack there of needs to be discussed, but I guess it will wait till next year. It is pretty easy, set a date and time and there will be a christmas party. Don't do it and there will not be one..
Re: December Meeting ?

No opinion here... been watching and waiting for things to iron out.
Re: December Meeting ?

Also I would like to put this out there and maybe we can discuss informal roles/duties at the next meeting. I plan to take a less active role next year in terms of meeting/ride organization. I am tired of trying to make everybody happy and honestly just burnt out on it. Between merchandise, website/forum, rides and meetings there is a lot of work involved to make this club work. I can't do it all by myself and I understand that lots of times I may not give others a chance to step up because I tend to see something that needs to be done and do it. So to remedy that I am going to do nothing more than show up for rides and meetings. We have laid out the ride locations and times of year to go, we need to work around Cole's work schedule when we can. The rest is just making accomidations and showing up..
Re: December Meeting ?

Christmas party ??? If Gregg doesn't pick a date, we should just all show up at his house. He won't be able to turn us away if we all bring yummy food.

As far as stepping up, I would like to help you guys more but never know where my place is being a girl. I probably won't be good at monitoring the forums seeing that I never read anything except member forums. Things like finding hotels when we go out of town and other tasks, I will be happy to help. Just say the word.

Amie ;D
Re: December Meeting ?

Christmas party ??? If Gregg doesn't pick a date, we should just all show up at his house. He won't be able to turn us away if we all bring yummy food.

As far as stepping up, I would like to help you guys more but never know where my place is being a girl. I probably won't be good at monitoring the forums seeing that I never read anything except member forums. Things like finding hotels when we go out of town and other tasks, I will be happy to help. Just say the word.

Amie ;D

Alright, here it is;

When; Saturday December 19th
Where; Chelsea, Al my house
Time; 6:30 till ?
What; Pot luck style Christmas Party
Why; Why not?
What I need in return; 1 million dollars! no, I do need for at least 8 confirmed appearances by Monday December 7th
This will allow us time to make the final arrangements for this gala event. Without these confimations, it looks like Le Taco Bell :flipoff1: :eat:
So p.m., call me, email me, send me a post card, pony express, whatever. Please let me know and I will get it done.

And Aimee, I think you'd be a great @ well everything. :dblthumb:
Re: December Meeting ?

That works for me... I will not have HB that weekend so basically I got nothing to do. laughing1
Re: December Meeting ?

Will be out of town for family Christmas in Mobile, ya'll have fun
We are in like sin!! :driving: Dont forget to post up directions.

I will make Peach Cobbler and Jamie can make a good chili.

Alright, that makes 5 for flashemifyougotem and 1 against :flipgotcha:

Come on the rest of you, let's make this happen. :dblthumb: :drinkers:
CHASMAN9 said:
Alright, that makes 5 for flashemifyougotem and 1 against :flipgotcha:

There is not 1 against, there is one that cannot attend. I think you're goal of 8 may be unattainable, I don't think we have that many members ;D Especially when you don't count yourself :flipoff1:
Re: Was December Meeting ? Now HARDLINE CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE ON!!!

Matt O. said:
There is not 1 against, there is one that cannot attend. I think you're goal of 8 may be unattainable, I don't think we have that many members ;D Especially when you don't count yourself :flipoff1:

Here is the count; UPDATED 12/3/09 @ 1:20 PM

in CANNOT ATTEND have not replied

John G
Ricky B
Me, myself & I
Rich B
6 3
Anybody else? :drinkers: :eat:
