Hey Guys,
Updating the member rig's section of the site is a pain, same with the trip photos. So here is what I am thinking, let me know if you are for it.
I registered for a trial smug-mug account to see what it would look like and I love it. This way we can all upload our own photos and have our own rig gallery. We can do the same with trail ride pics since Ricky is not always there to shoot pics. We can then have this linked to the site and so if you click on member rigs or trail rides you get those pages. Here is the sample I setup. Cost is $60/year, so that comes out to a few bucks a person. Let me know if you like it.
Updating the member rig's section of the site is a pain, same with the trip photos. So here is what I am thinking, let me know if you are for it.
I registered for a trial smug-mug account to see what it would look like and I love it. This way we can all upload our own photos and have our own rig gallery. We can do the same with trail ride pics since Ricky is not always there to shoot pics. We can then have this linked to the site and so if you click on member rigs or trail rides you get those pages. Here is the sample I setup. Cost is $60/year, so that comes out to a few bucks a person. Let me know if you like it.