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What sign?

Damn - must have been moving at a pretty decent speed :****:
What side does he have? That's an obvious fawk up! I used to drive a delivery van and I was always looking
for stuff that might be too low for me to fit under! Geez man that sucks!
techtafab said:
man thats guna suck getting fired right after XMAS

Yep, that's what I hear happened. His supervisor fired him on the scene. I understand he walked back to the office to get his car. Stuff always happens when I am on vacation.
Is the windshield broke where he hit it with his body? :eek: I bet that left a mark.
Look at the bright side John, after Christmas half price sale. :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: Hey, we need a new truck driver here, send him my way. :flipoff1:
holy crap..............................is that the overpass they show on t.v. from dumb asses hitting it
That's a HUGE roll of butt wipe underneath the last picture and I can bet he used it all after that little fender bender. molaugh
More pics in PDF. See if it attaches!

Don't think there's any fixin' that! :****:

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I know exactly where that is at. A fullsize pickup barely fits under it.

Dude must have been texting on his Iphone he got for Christmas.
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
Had he already made his delivery or what? I hope there wasn't some expensive merchandise that got fawked up too!

No, he was taking the company truck to the store WITHOUT PERMISSION. On his cell phone and just not paying attention.
that happened to one of out insulation/fireplace trucks here in knoxville were they went under a RR bridge that they had been under many times before but they had just paved the road. Needless to say the city payed to get the truck fixed since the sign was not correct. :****:
Holy Geebus !

PS John, I keep watch over the Absco off 280 frequently.... my roommate is dating the manager/bartender at Courtyard so I drink and eat free there often ! loller.gif