I got into a huge debate over on the OFN about the unions with a guy who was pretty extreme in his belief that the problem with the unions and the car companies wasn't the oraganizations, business practices, or expenses but instead the execs at the top skimming off the top. He seemed to believe that 90% of GM's and the AUW's profits went directly to the top 1% of the execs. (He even claimed that cost of raw materials played no part in the final pricing of a vehicle whatsoever. He was an old mid-level car-plant mgr. for a long time so I'm sure he was close enough to the fraud to see it but not benefit from it which is probably why he was so spiteful toward the execs.) I'm sure he was probably greatly exaggerating in his overstatement of the probelem but nonetheless had some validity about the fraud that probably takes place at that level where there is no supervision to deter theft. I've also heard tons of horror stories about the unions and the stupid crap that they make the companies spend money on. (Paying guys not to work, broad definitions of dibilitating injuries, etc.) However, if you talk to a union worker many of them swear that they couldn't survive without the union. Personally, I find it hard to believe that, in this day and age, any big company like that could take advantage of their workers like they did before the unions were there. I think that the press would have a field day with GM if they tried some **** that the union suppossedly protects workers against now. I almost think that the unions have been so effective in what they were built to do that they regulated themselves into obsolescence. That being said though, even if somehow they did get rid of UAW something else would surely rise up in its place. If nothing else, the workers would unite just to have a bargaining chip against the company.
J. J.