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Wow. Is this racist. Mayor Larry Langfords DVD to the City Council - 35%???

Isnt it nice to know the Mayor is subscribing to propaganda and further pushing it to get what he wants so everyone feels bad about the horrible things that WE had nothing to do with at all ?

Let us not forget since we are on the "slave agenda" once again that the very people that were in slaved were sold by there own African ancestor's willingly and as a lucrative business. White people didnt go to Africa herding blacks and terrorizing them to find slaves. It was business.. .and its the damn past and history. Nothing more nothing less. We have a black president, a black man in this country can do anything a white man or a latino man, or a jewish man , or and indian man or got damn martian can do. Im sick of the racial propaganda spread through our media and our political system. Get the **** over the past already and start working towards the future. All those nice little statistic's that Mayor Langford threw out there to butter up his poor black folk movie... Guess what , thats a SOCIAL problem in the black community spawned by idolizing 2 pac, drug dealers, gang bangers, jock's that **** up every chance they can and stupid parents allowing there youth in the black community to grow up with that idolization. Its no more the white man's fault than it is the man in the moon. :gtfo:

There are just as many black people working hard, getting ahead and achieving there goals like every other race and religion in this country. Propaganda is all that movie is and all Mayor Langford is about. **** them and **** him.
And for all you racist bastards on this board .... My best neighbor's are my black neighbors across the street from me. Not because of thier color , social status or income. Because they are damn good people. :dblthumb:
Re: Wow. Is this racist. Mayor Larry Langfords DVD to the City Council - 35%??

The company I work for does a ton of work with housing authorities. I have done my share of work in these in the past and I tell you it is the life they choose to live. They want to set back and bitch because this has not been done or that has not been done. I have heard them brag about living free for 30 plus years.
It really pissed me off to see two and three year old kids playing in the road or whatever and no parents around. It is just ridiculous at the stuff you see in these places.
Don't get me wrong some people need this assistance but when you see a 25 year old just laying on the couch with nothing wrong with them just to ****in lazy to work that pisses me off.
And for the Birmingham Housing Authority you have to sign a letter that if you hire anybody you must try to hire and train people from that facility to get the job. Hell we have to pay Minority company's just to let us use there name so we can be legal on the minority thing.

Don't get me wrong I know plenty of black successful people. Color has nothing to do with being successful it is the person that makes themselves successful.
Sounded to me like he wanted the african americans watching the video to get off their asses and stop blaming everyone but themselves for the messes they have gotten themselves into. So no I wouldn't say racist. One day they have to realize that we (everyone living today) had nothing to do with slavery so long ago. ::)
Love how when he refers to "our" community.. He isn't talking about the city of Birmingham.. Hes talking about Blacks...
He's teh ****ing Mayor... Suppose to be objective.. everyone's mayor..
He;s the biggest racism son of a bitch there is...

anyway, rant off.
and for my racial disclaimer.. I've got a Black teamate on my intramural bowling league.. Hell of a guy and a good student.
Lanford type figures, all the way back to MLK, and the ****ing rap community is what is wrong with the black community..