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WTF is wrong with people? rant


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland Tn

Mostly the last few lines get me. The guy that was shot was high on meth had enough in his system that might have killed anyone else, but his mom said he was a good guy. Does this piss anyone else off or is it just me? Why does no one take responsibility for their actions now? What was the cop supposed to do? He was reaching in his waist band and wouldn't comply so the cop did what he had to do. I can understand the mom wanting to be sad and thinking her son was perfect and blah blah blah BUT he disobeyed a cop, acted suspicious, and come to find out was involved in another shooting. Am I wrong in thinking this way?
The officer followed protocol and did what he had to do in order to make sure that he went home safe to his family.

The fact of the matter is, if you do not comply with police and act like you are going to pull an unknown object out of your waistband, there's a very good chance that the officer is going to make sure to stop you before you have an opportunity to do that...

Jeeptj99, you are absolutely right in thinking that nobody takes responsibility for their actions anymore. This is a sick and twisted world that we live in today.
You're not wrong at all. Sadly our society has "taught" to believe that there's no consequences for actions. Just like in Furgeson, he wasn't shot for being black, blocking traffic, or for robbing a store. He was shot while attacking a police officer. However, his gangsta mom and dad, who are both convicted felons and currently have felony arrest warrants, act like their "baby" didn't do anything wrong. Just like this asshat's mom.
It makes me mad when the title of the article says "unarmed" man. I work a career where I see first hand what an unarmed person can do. A lot of times its worse than someone who has a weapon. I do not feel bad for these people at all. People need to take personal accountability for what they do. If they act like morons they deserve what they get.
I hate that at the end they throw out that he shot another guy that had a BB gun. So what? What's that have to do with THIS story? Almost like the press is trying to make people think he was wrong for shooting this guy. Obviously he is no "killer" as you can see by his action in the video. Yeah, people like this victim and his mom SUCK!
I agree. And that **** had me by the nuts for several years. I mean BAD. Went from 220 to 140 lbs.. In and out of jail and rehab, Prob have done a dam truck load Prob: and NOT ON DAM TIME did the thought of doin some Dum **** like that !! I Idon't care how much or wat drug is done, if someone is that Dum they Prob better off gettin popped. I lost it ALOT , but nothin got me like almost losing my oldest lil girl when she was a toddler... I didn't steal and all that bullshit either; guess everyones diff but man if a dam cop says don't move to me I ain't even breathing!!! And i can't stand cops either , but he did the right thing.
BPINAZ said:
You're not wrong at all. Sadly our society has "taught" to believe that there's no consequences for actions. Just like in Furgeson, he wasn't shot for being black, blocking traffic, or for robbing a store. He was shot while attacking a police officer. However, his gangsta mom and dad, who are both convicted felons and currently have felony arrest warrants, act like their "baby" didn't do anything wrong. Just like this asshat's mom.

More on felony arrest warrants? I did a quick search and have not found anything to back this up.
kmcminn said:
More on felony arrest warrants? I did a quick search and have not found anything to back this up.
I was thinking the same thing... That's the first I have heard about any warrants... if it's true though, it will be the funniest thing I have heard all week! :****:

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