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Yo Lay...

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If its free, its P
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Your Mom's House
Jimmys4x4 Chassis ( with the good lookin front end :flipoff1: ) on ORI's son :afro:




Kelly... do the ORI's "fully compress" or is the bump internal keep them from stuffing the entire shaft into the body ?

I put the tires and all that on it and started dropping the chassis down ( with the engine in it ) with my hi lift to see how low it can go before anything gets into trouble... Completely forgot about Lay having the ORI's in route and I called him to ask about what he wanted to use for bumpstops. laughing1

yea, I need to know about that "internal bumpstop" stuff. does the shaft fully collapse into the body or no ? Thanks
hey P look at where the battery is and look how short the steering column is i like where that **** is
As I recall from when you had it mocked up back in the day and i sat in it, your steering wheel was WAY to close to your person... we will sort it out though. thumb.gif

I like that battery location, much more practical. We need to sort your puter mount and all that **** out as well... We need to buy some sheet and get to fabbin some more interior , that buggy interior thread on PBB has me wanting to redo mine too ! laughing1
Just got a message from the owner of that rig... he is running 12's also and he said he never sucked the front down all weekend ... :eek: Damn steep stuff for no suck down. Cloud o titties must be working well for him ! He said he has to much rebound in the back but hasnt dialed them all in just yet. thumb.gif
damn, i need to jump on this band wagon as well.....would be nice to get rid of my body roll.....or atleast some of it....
maybe we can steal some numbers from him on the struts laughing1

i like that battery location a lot better than what i was thinking , maybe on the drivers side because the trans dip stick is on the pass side

let me know what kindof **** i need im off tommorrow loller.gif
I put curt's, blacksheep's and ben put his battery there. perfect spot. ben put his under the passenger's feet for a footrest and puter above the passengers feet.
I sold them to him, 12's front, 14's rear. He got pretty antsy on the shipping, called ORI mark's wife marie, had her change the shipping addy from what I had specified and I had to call the guy I was dealing with, his Father in law that got the same set as him (8 struts, 1 order) and straighten it all out. laughing1
Lay, you are doing totally different stuff, so I'd say tune to what fits best. you could use his baseline numbers though. a little less in the bottom to make it more cush for the high speed, and becasue you won't be vertical 100% of the time liek those crazy ****ers.
And the " internal bumpstop " :dunno: does it still compress to the point that all the shaft is in the body of the ORI or no ?

Whats a good "baseline" with a 350 and tons up front ??
oh yeah, the bump. its a 1" stroke limiter, hydraulic, it sits in top of the piston and you can't compress it unless you have some serious fawking force on it. make it so when you are at full bump you have used up all the chrome on the shaft. it does compress that far.
I'd start with 130 lower/200 upper or whatever upper makes your ride height right. there is a special procedure for putting it in, lower pressure at full bump and upper at full droop, so make sure to do it that way.
blacksheep10 said:
oh yeah, the bump. its a 1" stroke limiter, hydraulic, it sits in top of the piston and you can't compress it unless you have some serious fawking force on it. make it so when you are at full bump you have used up all the chrome on the shaft. it does compress that far.
I'd start with 130 lower/200 upper or whatever upper makes your ride height right. there is a special procedure for putting it in, lower pressure at full bump and upper at full droop, so make sure to do it that way.

Thats what I needed to know , thank you..................... now I just need the 12'ers laughing1

* Dood should get the 16's today....