domestic vs. import.
Draw your own conclusions off that. Were do you want your money to go? were do you think the QC is better?
So about a year ago,or so,I get a PM to go to RR&P will call and pick up a set of rear shafts(D60 Full float).Not sure where they are made,pretty sure they're 4340 as opposed to the 1541's I kept killing.
Those shafts have been through absolute hell.....wheel stuck....pinion turn 5 or 6 revolution HELL.......both forward and reverse. I'm all about American made....believe me.........but these shafts are GNARLY strong reguardless of country of origin.......I truely don't know.
Good to hear. I do remember seeing they are 4340.
Material, quality of forging, fit and finish, size/design tolerances are going to be better on domestic stuff IMO. you see it reflected in the price, and the quality.
Another option is Nitro from JT differential. Not sure on country of origin, or material composition, but there is a vendor here on NWW, direct from JT differential that could answer your questions. Priceing is VERY reasonable (I was quoted about 560 bucks for inners and outers with spicer joints, for a dana 44, shipped).
Because, after all, everyone loves options.
could have something to do with them buying warns axleshaft division.:scratchhead:
Just like you said you see it reflected in the price $560 for a set of axles.. I'd be leary of those.