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Obama sighing gun treaty

doctordick said:
Jimbo Ca. That must the People's Republic of California chiming in. Prolly a big fan of Governor Moonbeam, too.
molaugh molaugh molaugh
I reckon whatever happens after November, nothing of mine is getting handed over to the gov't. There'll be a pile of blue suits with bodies in 'em in my front yard if they come for mine. :gtfo:
5BrothersFabrication said:
I don't think Jimbo has to. Bush II was a "compassionate conservative". The war, yeah, somebody had to pay for the crimes of 9/11. But amnesty, lack of rolling back entitlement spending, sticking his nose in local education, stimulus... the list goes on, but he did nothing to try and reign in the deficit. I give Bush42 a D+. Personally, I was a "Honky for Herman" but I'll have to swallow my pride to punch the Romney button in November. :puke:

bad as i hate to admit but x2, seemed like he had a plan
roll over dave said:
Let me guess jimboca u support obama?
Hell no...I just give credit, where credit is due. And as far as Gov. Moonbeam? Screw him too...wants to give everything to the Illegals.
ridenrace6 said:
bad as i hate to admit but x2, seemed like he had a plan
If the you dont like the candidate in your party, do your country a favor, and either write yourself in, or dont vote at all. With the choices we have this time around, we are screwed. They are Both idiots.
JimboCa said:
If the you dont like the candidate in your party, do your country a favor, and either write yourself in, or dont vote at all. With the choices we have this time around, we are screwed. They are Both idiots.

I F-ing hate it when people say don't vote at all,what the hell, you may not like what you have to vote for but it's your right to vote. so use it are move out of this country. No vote is the same a giving a vote away
I F-ing hate it when people say don't vote at all,what the hell, you may not like what you have to vote for but it's your right to vote. So, use it OR move out of this country. No vote is the same a giving a vote away
That is why I said write your name in...or even someone elses.
I understand your frustration, but why vote for some Dumb ass if you really don't like their policies? Just because they LOVE Jesus? Just because they have an R or D next to their name? Just because its family tradition to vote for a certain party?
Too many people vote for someonemwithout even lifting one finger to find out more about their policies.
We had that recently here with Shwartzenegger. People immediately started comparing him to Ronald Reagan, just because of his Hollywood status.
Turned out, they were waaaayyy wrong.
Reagan actually did his job, and did it well.
If you hired a plumber (who had never had a job before) to fix a problem and after taking a lot of time he came to you with a huge bill and told you he couldn't fix the problem because the last guy screwed it up, would you hire him again?
Hell No!
But I wouldnt vote for some rich Retard who wants to give tax breaks to the rich, To big business, and companies that ship jobs overseas, while my fellow hard working american brothers and sisters work their asses off to take up the slack!
Thats why I didnt Vote for Meg Twitman when she ran for governor here.
She, and her choice for second in command, were responsible for teminating thousands of jobs here, and sent those jobs to China.
JimboCa said:
If the you dont like the candidate in your party, do your country a favor, and either write yourself in, or dont vote at all. With the choices we have this time around, we are screwed. They are Both idiots.

This mentality is going to get Obama in the White House for a second term. :****:

You have to pick the lesser of two evils. I'd rather have Romney in there than Obama. I personally rather vote for a independent or some other party, but i know they have a snowball in hells chance of winning.
You ever have your paycheck signed by someone on food stamps? I didn't think so. All this class warfare bash the rich crap is just marxist think. Being in the people's republic, you can see first hand what that's doing for ya. Businesses and people who can afford it are leaving in droves and all you'll have left are welfare leeches and illegals and there won't be anyone left to pay taxes. Wotcha gonna do then? So you let your class bias keep you from voting for Meg Whitman and what did you get.....Governor "we don't have any money so let's build a railroad to nowhere that no one will ride" MOONBEAM. Nice job.
doctordick said:
You ever have your paycheck signed by someone on food stamps? I didn't think so. All this class warfare bash the rich crap is just marxist think. Being in the people's republic, you can see first hand what that's doing for ya. Businesses and people who can afford it are leaving in droves and all you'll have left are welfare leeches and illegals and there won't be anyone left to pay taxes. Wotcha gonna do then? So you let your class bias keep you from voting for Meg Whitman and what did you get.....Governor "we don't have any money so let's build a railroad to nowhere that no one will ride" MOONBEAM. Nice job.
Yup, and with that mentality, the rich man will still be busy dancin', while the poor man pays the band.
Gary Johnson is worth a look.
I wanted Steve poizner for Ca gov, btw.
And I wasnt trying to bash the rich, but can you tell me why You and I should make up for the share they dont have to pay? Thats the same as paying for someones food stamps, And their health care...when they can afford to pay for it themselves.
This country is ****ed. Sometimes it's about more than agreeing. Sometimes you just gotta hold your nose and pick a side: FAIL, or survive 'til the next democrat clusterfuck. Because we all know, Reagan was probably the last game-changer. Nobody unravelled liberal policies like the Gipper.
5BrothersFabrication said:
This country is ****ed. Sometimes it's about more than agreeing. Sometimes you just gotta hold your nose and pick a side: FAIL, or survive 'til the next democrat clusterfuck. Because we all know, Reagan was probably the last game-changer. Nobody unravelled liberal policies like the Gipper.
We really need another Ronny RayGun...but the liklihood seems slim to non these days. All we have is hope.

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