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This Is What I've been trying warn all of you about.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2015
Sierra Vista, AZ
This happens. I'm a Border Patrol Agent in Arizona. I see it EVERYDAY.


The article only captured one particular event. However, this stuff happens ALL THE TIME....EVERYDAY.

We are quietly loosing our country at an alarming rate. Non of you back east have any idea of exactly how bad it is. If you're one of those who hires illegals, or thinks it's okay to work with them......you're part of the problem. YOU have no idea of what you're dealing with. Oh yeah, they'll work hard and be very friendly.....that is until all their companeros show up in your town. Hispanics from other countries believe that the US is not their country. Therefore, they do not have to abide by the laws....any of the laws. They do not consider any crime they commit in the US to be a crime at all. That includes murder, rape, child molestation, armed robbery, burglary, stealing vehicles, and etc.

You better wake up fellow Americans.....take a good look at your children and yourself if you want them to have a future. Because if this doesn't stop soon, they won't have one.
BPINAZ said:
.........Therefore, they do not have to abide by the laws....any of the laws. They do not consider any crime they commit in the US to be a crime at all. That includes murder, rape, child molestation, armed robbery, burglary, stealing vehicles, and etc.

You better wake up fellow Americans.....take a good look at your children and yourself if you want them to have a future. Because if this doesn't stop soon, they won't have one.

Just wondering here.....but this snippit seems to fit any criminal regardless of which side of which boarder theyre from.... :dunno:
I think the point is there's more incentives or at least not as many deterrents that makes those "activities" more of an option.

I would say that they've got good pics of at least 1 of the officers not to mention a decent shot of the GSA tag but what they're doing was most likely ordered from higher up. Not cool.
Beerj said:
I think the point is there's more incentives or at least not as many deterrents that makes those "activities" more of an option.

I would say that they've got good pics of at least 1 of the officers not to mention a decent shot of the GSA tag but what they're doing was most likely ordered from higher up. Not cool.

That's a G4S employee. They transport illegal aliens for CBP. They're not law enforcement. And yes, they're only following orders. They hate it as much as we do.
Tell ya what, a wall doesn't seem like that bad of an idea. Then again, maybe just stock the Colorado River with a ton of alligators.
A wall isn't going to stop anything. There's only one way to stop it.......militarize the border. However, Americans have become too sensitive and won't do what is necessary.
BPINAZ said:
A wall isn't going to stop anything. There's only one way to stop it.......militarize the border. However, Americans have become too sensitive and won't do what is necessary.



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kushKrawlin said:

You mean 4/20, as in April 20th. And yes, a ramp truck is a very common practice by Drug Trafficking Organizations. They also use (believe it or not) high pressure air cannons, ultralight aircraft, dead babies that are packed full of cocaine and carried through a port of entry, spare tires, hidden compartments in vehicles, body carriers, horses, mules, ambulances, UPS trucks, FedEx trucks, cloned BP vehicles, tunnels, juveniles and just about anything else.

However, the dope smugglers aren't the problem. A bundle of MJ can't vote, it can't get drunk and drive and then kill someone, it can't shoot anyone, and etc. Illegal aliens are the threat. They vote, the drive vehicles, the prepare our food in restaurants, they work at the bank and have access to your money, they can kill and rob, and rape, and etc.
BPINAZ said:
You mean 4/20, as in April 20th. And yes, a ramp truck is a very common practice by Drug Trafficking Organizations. They also use (believe it or not) high pressure air cannons, ultralight aircraft, dead babies that are packed full of cocaine and carried through a port of entry, spare tires, hidden compartments in vehicles, body carriers, horses, mules, ambulances, UPS trucks, FedEx trucks, cloned BP vehicles, tunnels, juveniles and just about anything else.

However, the dope smugglers aren't the problem. A bundle of MJ can't vote, it can't get drunk and drive and then kill someone, it can't shoot anyone, and etc. Illegal aliens are the threat. They vote, the drive vehicles, the prepare our food in restaurants, they work at the bank and have access to your money, they can kill and rob, and rape, and etc.

Wait, what? :eek:
Just out of curiosity, how hard is it to go the other way? Like, are there mexican bp agents? And would a US bp agent give two shits if I tried to hop the fence and head south?
Sounds like job security for you to me. If you fix the problem completly wouldn't the boarder patrol be out of buisness? Which in turn would mean you would lose a good job. ESP for you considering how bad u dislike Mexicans. Which brings up something I was thinkin bout as I cleaned my shop vac out earlier from suckin water out of the pan under ac unit in attic.(huge block of ice now). But anyways, did your job make you hate Mexicans, or have you always had it out for them? No joking around. I really wanted to know. I can't think of one post where u actually talked bout offroading. Or offroading tech, or commented on much of anything except how the world sucks and we are all ****ed. I mean, I'm def not speakin for anyone besides me.. But I think we get it .. We're fuked , it's to late, and Mexicans are the reason.
kushKrawlin said:
Sounds like job security for you to me. If you fix the problem completly wouldn't the boarder patrol be out of buisness? Which in turn would mean you would lose a good job. ESP for you considering how bad u dislike Mexicans. Which brings up something I was thinkin bout as I cleaned my shop vac out earlier from suckin water out of the pan under ac unit in attic.(huge block of ice now). But anyways, did your job make you hate Mexicans, or have you always had it out for them? No joking around. I really wanted to know. I can't think of one post where u actually talked bout offroading. Or offroading tech, or commented on much of anything except how the world sucks and we are all ****ed. I mean, I'm def not speakin for anyone besides me.. But I think we get it .. We're fuked , it's to late, and Mexicans are the reason.
Ha! I seriously can't stop laughing at this. :rolf: :****:
I was headed to sleep. But, we did get in some new beer at the store (that I happened to bring home) and I happen to have some good flavored :popcorn: that I have had a hankerin' to try. Please hash this out, old school internet style and I will enjoy the read.
kushKrawlin said:
Sounds like job security for you to me. If you fix the problem completly wouldn't the boarder patrol be out of buisness? Which in turn would mean you would lose a good job. ESP for you considering how bad u dislike Mexicans. Which brings up something I was thinkin bout as I cleaned my shop vac out earlier from suckin water out of the pan under ac unit in attic.(huge block of ice now). But anyways, did your job make you hate Mexicans, or have you always had it out for them? No joking around. I really wanted to know. I can't think of one post where u actually talked bout offroading. Or offroading tech, or commented on much of anything except how the world sucks and we are all ****ed. I mean, I'm def not speakin for anyone besides me.. But I think we get it .. We're fuked , it's to late, and Mexicans are the reason.

Nah, the dude has a Toyota crawler, pretty cool to boot. He uses it to go round up Mexicans. :flipoff1:

But all joking aside, when you see the **** in person and NOBODY gives a ****, I imagine it would chap your ass too. I mean, as a landscaper you HAVE TO feel it too. Every year when you bid your neighborhood, don't they say, "Well John Q. Mexican-hirer said he'd do it for $40 a yard."? I hear it too, and I work on TRAILERS.
5BrothersFabrication said:
Nah, the dude has a Toyota crawler, pretty cool to boot. He uses it to go round up Mexicans. :flipoff1:

But all joking aside, when you see the **** in person and NOBODY gives a ****, I imagine it would chap your ass too. I mean, as a landscaper you HAVE TO feel it too. Every year when you bid your neighborhood, don't they say, "Well John Q. Mexican-hirer said he'd do it for $40 a yard."? I hear it too, and I work on TRAILERS.

I'm pretty sure, Casey hired John Q Mexican to do all his work. :flipoff1:
kushKrawlin said:
Sounds like job security for you to me. If you fix the problem completly wouldn't the boarder patrol be out of buisness? Which in turn would mean you would lose a good job. ESP for you considering how bad u dislike Mexicans. Which brings up something I was thinkin bout as I cleaned my shop vac out earlier from suckin water out of the pan under ac unit in attic.(huge block of ice now). But anyways, did your job make you hate Mexicans, or have you always had it out for them? No joking around. I really wanted to know. I can't think of one post where u actually talked bout offroading. Or offroading tech, or commented on much of anything except how the world sucks and we are all ****ed. I mean, I'm def not speakin for anyone besides me.. But I think we get it .. We're fuked , it's to late, and Mexicans are the reason.

Well, I joined HL to learn more about off roading and building my rig. Compared to the rigs on here, I couldn't offer much tech advice to anyone. So, I mostly just read the tech articles and learn from them. My work schedule prevents me from taking my rig out and actually using it. So, in the interim, I do a lot of web wheeling. Also, I'm from Florida and it's nice to see/hear about stuff back east.

I dont hate Mexicans. In fact, a lot of my close friends are Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican and so on. Hell, most American born hispanics hate illegal aliens. Over half of the BP is Mexican. I speak and write Spanish and I teach my kids Spanish. A lot of my kids' friends are Mexican (we live in southern AZ). Now, What I hate is the fact that most ignore what is happening. When I say ignore, that is exactly what they're doing. Also, why did you automatically assume that I hate Mexicans? Let me guess, you see the term Illegal Alien and Mexican is the first thing you think of. That's very common, but not always true. An illegal alien is anyone who crosses the International Boundary without inspection. That's anyone, from any country. I've arrested people from India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, China, Russia, Romania, Chile, Syria and a lot more.

As far as going south, I don't recommend it. Mexico has a BP, but they mostly patrol their southern border with Guatemala. Crossing into Mexico illegally can cost you your life....literally. An unknown fact, Mexico has some the world's most harshest immigration laws. When a person illegally enters the US, they are protected by civil rights and all kind of stuff.....believe me, they have more rights in the US than you and I do. When a person illegally enters Mexico, they are not privileged to any civil rights at all.

When I say were all ****ed.....well, we are if things don't change. Being law enforcement I see the rapid degradation of society. Lawlessness, lack of morals, violent crimes rapidly increasing, and so on. Liberalism has destroyed our nation. Sadly, people won't do anything about it. They'll just watch and think it doesn't effect them or their family. Until something directly happens to them. Like when an illegal alien rapes their 10 year old daughter, or now when a convicted sexual predator can use the same bathroom/locker room as our children. Do you see my point? (I'm speaking about actual events)

There's a saying, when good men stop the preventing evil from becoming.....then we eventually all become evil.

I don't have a soap box to stand on, or my own youtube channel, or anything else. This is all I have. This is the only venue I have to vent. Hell, all my friends here are BP......THEY ALREADY KNOW. I fight a loosing battle everyday, but I'll never give up. I'm not here for a paycheck, I'm here because I truly love my country. Why? I've been all over the world and have seen how shitty everyone else has it. This country is worth fighting for, it's worth dying for and most definitely......it's worth the ridicule that I receive on HL for standin up for what I believe in.

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