Well-Known Member
I think your saving your self alot of grief by getting this thing man way to go :masturbanana[1]:
Yeehaw, nice rig. Another Jeep in the club.....:awesomework: But I dunno, I kinda liked the accessible wiring in the XJ....:eeek:
Fo Sho dat. Ya know we could mod his dash for him so the wires are accessible like the xj was. I mean it's the least we can do right? I have some zip ties for the stereo if you want to wire it up.i was thinking the same thing :awesomework:he is going to have to put the ipod home dock in the new jeep to for sure dont ya think?:corn:
Sweet dude......:awesomework:
You gonna wheel this thing at Reiter?
.....and he was impressed with Kat and Rhondas JKs...
Thing looks way good man lets take it out and beat on it soon next weeked maybe ???????:stirpot:
it's sick!! But i have a quickie for you. Is that joint unscrewed an awuful long way out of the link, or is it just me, counting what's covered up by the nut, i'd guess you are only a few threads into the link itself.