I have an inline 6cyl 4.6 stroker with GM TBI fuel injection. I have changed the PCV and hose. Confirmed is has very strong suction and is NOT clogged. So what else would be causing the oil to come out of the dip stick?
I have an inline 6cyl 4.6 stroker with GM TBI fuel injection. I have changed the PCV and hose. Confirmed is has very strong suction and is NOT clogged. So what else would be causing the oil to come out of the dip stick?
Blow by. . . was it rebuiilt recently??? i just know that if the piston rings all line up in a row you can whats called blow by which fills your crank case up with air and it usually pushes out of the alve cover breather. . . but i dont see y it couldnt come out the dipstick. . . that mite help ya
i had the same problem on my 22re when i bought my truck back from a friend of mine. turns out he overheated the **** out of it and the rings disintegrated in the #3 cylinder causing massive blow by. how does it run besides the oil coming out?
I have an inline 6cyl 4.6 stroker with GM TBI fuel injection. I have changed the PCV and hose. Confirmed is has very strong suction and is NOT clogged. So what else would be causing the oil to come out of the dip stick?
That might be part of your problem...
Theres a good Midas in lakewood. I would recommend you take it there. They will take care of you for cheap too.
I did,,,, PCV thought for sure that was it.
It doesn;t do it at idle. Only above 2500rpms.
That makes no sense at all.
he was talking bout having the engine rebuilt by jasper motors.:fawkdancesmiley:
I did,,,, PCV thought for sure that was it.
It doesn;t do it at idle. Only above 2500rpms.
If ya dont want to rebuild it just trim up the dip stick tube so its not in the oil. Or just seal it off when not checking the oil.
Whats the compression test out at?
If it runs good, a compression tester will tell you pretty much squat....Use a Cylinder leakdown tester to get the story...I have to wait till tuesday to bring home the compression tester from work. Then I'll see. I might just pull the dip stick out and plug the hole.