Cheap parts are not always the best. I sold/gave away/junked alot of my TG parts after I realized they were crap.
Not everybody can afford good ol american labor like yours.
Hmm...Ive been hearing this more and more...and I was wanting to get one of their 4link rear kits.
I agree with crazy daze to a degree. The 4 link kit sucks ass. Like any companies products some are not the best. They have allot of great products, however the 4 link kit is not one of my faves.
Looking back I would have been better off making alot of the brakets and buying the individual parts straight from other companies.
But after closer inspection you figured out even you cant afford your own labor and just used the mail order stuff anyways.
One day people will agree with my made in the usa rants...Until then i will despise stuff made oversea's for cheap to be sold here.
I wonder where those unit bearings are made:eeek:
I judge a product on its quality. I have seen just as much American made garbage as I have imports. Some of TG us made parts are not as nice as the imported ones.
Yup. ^^^^^-- I had to take back an impact gun today to Harbor Freight that I was given for Christmas. I didn't have the receipt so I had to use in store credit. I felt guilty, but I went ahead, and loaded up on my 25 bucks worth of China/Taiwan/Inda/ crap.

Even you know its wrong to compare Harbor Freight with Trail Gear. Maybe HF and JCwhitney but TG is allot nicer than both.
Whadya get at HF? Cant beat 20, 30inch rubber bungees for 8 bucks.
Going with TG's cromo, duals, 4.7 kit and hub gears is a savings of - $441. But good thing I am getting paid bank an hour for a weeks worth of overtime so saving $441 bucks is not a concern. I will be buying Longs and Marlin chit.
Some products have a better option available. The Longs are a perfect example of that. Sure the dirty 30s are cheaper than Longs, but it is because they are weaker than longs. I would spend the extra loot on longs if it were me (I have longs in my truck, not TG).
Other products are a little different. Take dual case adapters. A marlin dual case adapter is 225 total and the marlin equal is 125 bucks more. One is not any better than the other. I would not spend the extra loot on the marlin adapter (I have a TG dual kit).
I guess it all depends on if ya can think for yourself and recognize good/bad parts.
A little thinking keeps me a happy customer that saves bucks here and there.:beer: