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Discover Pass


Active Member
Aug 22, 2015
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A friend sent me something that made it sound like you no longer needed the pass to simply drive through a DNR or Fish and Wildlife area. This makes sense since the pass should have been more of a parking pass in the first place.

Can anyone confirm this? Its easy to accidently drive through state lane while exploring eastern Wa and it would be nice not to worry about forgetting the pass in the wifes car.

As far as I know since day one of the discover pass you did not need it unless you were parking... I think the same can be said of any of the required pass's we need.
Yep, Discover and the Forest Service pass is only for parking. But if you spend any time in an area it's hard not to park.
Pursuant to RCW79A.80.080(2)(d) the pass is not required when “operating on a road managed by the department of natural resources or the department of fish and wildlife, including a forest or land management road, that is not blocked by a gateâ€.


This exemption was not part of the original Discover Pass law.
We can thank Senator Kirk Pearson for sponsoring legislation (and WOHVA for supporting it) that added the exemption a couple of years ago.
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You make not need a Disco pass or northwest forest pass but you may still need an ORV sticker... Now you may be correct in front of a judge but the guy on the ground may still write you a ticket that you then need to spend time to go fight which could cost you more than just getting a pass...
Thanks Tod, I could have sworn that wasnt part of the original law. Very thankful it got changed. We constantly find ourselfs wanting to stop by a park or pass through state land at the last minute and realize our discover pass is in the other car.
I was in a parking area airing down and got checked for my pass. Which I had. I buy them more to support the parks even if most of the money goes elsewhere.
I was in a parking area airing down and got checked for my pass. Which I had. I buy them more to support the parks even if most of the money goes elsewhere.

84 percent to State Parks
8 percent WDFW
8 percent DNR

That works out to $2.40 per pass going to the DNR and none of it is required to be spent on motorized recreation.

The DNR co-mingles the money with other funding sources so it is impossible to pin point where the money went.
Got Stopped At walker a week ago in the middle of the week. Myself, a friend and the DNR cop seemed to be the only one there.
He wanted to know where my pass was and I said with my tow rig and he told me I needed one in my wheeler also. I said I"m not parked I"m driving down Peter Burns Road. I was Told Didn't matter had to have one or next time its a $99 ticket. I Told him have at it and went on my way.
Got Stopped At walker a week ago in the middle of the week. Myself, a friend and the DNR cop seemed to be the only one there.
He wanted to know where my pass was and I said with my tow rig and he told me I needed one in my wheeler also. I said I"m not parked I"m driving down Peter Burns Road. I was Told Didn't matter had to have one or next time its a $99 ticket. I Told him have at it and went on my way.

From my understanding mark thats the way its always been--I needed one for my toy also. Only way around it is to orv tag your wheeler..
From my understanding mark thats the way its always been--I needed one for my toy also. Only way around it is to orv tag your wheeler..

As of a couple of years ago, you DO NOT need a Discover Pass to drive on any road not blocked by a gate.

See RCW79A.80.080 (2)(d)


You can thank Senator Kirk Pearson and WOHVA for that change.
So I can drop my wheeler off the trailer and wheel and not need a pass for it?

Yes, just as long as you stay on roads not blocked by a gate and don't go any trails or roads that are blocked off to normal road traffic.
Yes, just as long as you stay on roads not blocked by a gate and don't go any trails or roads that are blocked off to normal road traffic.

Then walker valley would be needing 2 passes because all trail entrances are blocked by a gate with a shoe-fly for wheelers to get around where normal traffic would be blocked...
Ya know, with all the volunteer time put in, it shouldn't be an issue of paying for 2 passes...I, for the FIRST time since the Disco pass requirement, sent in my voucher hours...in approx 1 week, a pass showed up! I will be sending in for another, as I have vouchers to do it...Really wasn't hard at all.
Hours are easy to accumulate (we try to coordinate our volunteer time/events with scheduled work party dates, so as to get folks the opportunity to capitalize on the hours for a free pass, all they have to do when signing up for the event is ask DNR for a voucher for their hours put in.)
Mark, Was it Gary that stopped ya? ( mid-fifty's shorter dude/mustache/ball cap?) He really is a cool guy, and laid back---used to wheel, and now rides quads in his free time.
You are only allowed 1 free pass per 12mo period no matter how many hours you accumulate. That being said, if the bill passes you'd be able to apply for a 2nd free pass in your wife's name. I'm not sure how strict they are on the 1 a year though. I know they aren't strict on the dates on the vouchers being within the last 12mos.
You are only allowed 1 free pass per 12mo period no matter how many hours you accumulate. That being said, if the bill passes you'd be able to apply for a 2nd free pass in your wife's name. I'm not sure how strict they are on the 1 a year though. I know they aren't strict on the dates on the vouchers being within the last 12mos.

Good, because I have enough vouchers from years' past to apply for a second one! I guess we'll see about the one a yr thing! :redneck:
I have an ORV sticker + Street Plate (no disco pass) on my Jeep because more of that $$$ goes to directly to us. Disco pass on the truck that I can share with the car if I want to do the park thing.

Technically you need an ORV sticker OR a disco pass to be on DNR trails and roads behind a gate. The courts have upheld that you do not need a disco pass if you have an ORV sticker and a license plate, although if you want less trouble, I have my plate attached with wingnuts.

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