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Walker Valley Ideas.


Love that TOYOTA
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
Crustys Brewery
Please keep the flames down.

The DNR wants to build a "skill building" area at Walker Valley ORV park. No idea will be too outlandish. They want to do this so if they are forced to close parts of the park seasonally, there will still be somewhere to go as well as having some neat / new obstacles to play on.

Think Skate park for 4x4's. So If anyone has any ideas, please bring them up in this thread, PM me or e-mail at karloo123@yahoo.com so I can get the ideas off to the DNR.

There will be a few work parties to help building the new area, so we can all have a hand at making some carnage producing obstacles.
Hmmm cant think of anything off the top of my head right now but sounds cool might come up with somthing as i think about it more
I am new to the area so where is this place ?? Also how much land is going to be used for this project ?

bring in rocks ranging from a basket balls to a VW bug or do a man made rock area about 30' wide about 200' long at a down hill grade so it can be run up hill hard or down hill easy. also if the area has up hill ruts or ravine's with plateaus with 2'-3' deep with water (like water falls) that could be a 600 yards long, and you could make a bunch of piles of dirt say 3' to 6' tall all close together about 20 yards by 100yards it would make a nice twisty area.
also a place where people can see how far it will go safely kinda like a ramp to get tippy on. could be used sideways to see what angle your little anglemeter from 4WP is useless as it will go way farther than you think.

could also be used as a place to go over at an angle so that at one point your rig is balancing between two opposite corners putting a tire in the air until you eventually reach the balance point then drop over onto the other side.

i have had many newbies in a very flat plane but the vehicle was tippy and they were petrified.:awesomework:
I like the Idea, where at Walker would they build it,

id think in the big flat area right at the top of the first hillclimb, in the gravel pit area would be a good candidate.
I have not done a search yet but do any of you have pic's of the area to be used for this project
I like the idea of a RTI ramp being installed, make it premanent so some ass-wipe doesn't try to load it on his trailer. Maybe make it out of cement rather then steel.

I think some made made rock course would be cool too, even if its fairly simple like the ones at Tahuya.

maybe some stair-steps built, make them at a good distance apart so they catch the front and rear wheels at the same time. YOu could make it so the stairs get closer or further apart the farther you go so it gives all lengths of rigs a challenge.

The big open gravel lot at the top of the first climb would be a great area because that can also be accessed by tow-rigs/stockers by coming in the back way on the FS road.

Edit, here is a picture I have of the big open area. This shows only maybe a 1/3 of the area. Its a really big area.

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I think many people don't want this to be like Tahuya. If you like Tahuya rock piles go to Tahuya. I would like to see a shotcrete course, that would ensure that it lasts a long time and can be made very much the same as a compettion course. The difficulty of a manmade shotcrete course all depends on how you drive on it, drive on easy lines it gets very easy, drive hard lines and we all know what can happen. Maybe see if we have some people around that could help on designing such a course.
Build something for anyone to learn on. Not just a rock/comp course but have some obsticals that you would expect to see in washington. Steep inclines/declines on dirt, off camber areas, half buried logs and rocks that get slick with dirt and mud, tight corners, mud holes. I like the idea of a rollover obstical where you can hook a strap to your cage and drive up this thing till you start to roll and the strap keeps ya from going over all the way. Then also have the rock course too.

inserted image for you.

a small shotcrete course or rock garden, roll over ramp, and a washington style course with the half buried logs, rocks, stumps, and some tight turn obstacles! and maybe even a couple legal mud runs. that'd be worth the trip during the closed season.

are they just closing the higher up trails or all the trails in the winter now closed? cause if they are only closing the higher trails, a few new trails down lower would be a good idea also.
Stokers can RTI their **** at the mall...if they are going to spend money on something make it worthwhile for everyone.

Yeah I think RTI ramps are for FAGS but you have to remember every year there is a lot of new guys wanting to get out camping and wheeling (whitch will bring more money to the park and to the local small shop owners) and we all were there at one point any way.

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