As I said in my post "no trace of damage does not equal no damage". You've created a destroyed blazer, and you did it on MY wheeling spot. It's OUR wheeling spot. Just because you believe you've left no trace, doesn't mean you actually left no trace. Furthermore, any DNR or Forest Service or enviro-nazis lurkers, or some lady who happens to see the wrecked blazer, or whatever.... and they say "Oh look at those destructive 4x4ers... We should make what they do criminal". Yeah, perhaps I'm exagerating. But perhaps I'm not. You (and I) never really know what causes. There's a time and place to do these things. Just please don't do it on DNR or Forest Service land. As far as I'm concerned, you can wreck, burn, destroy, build trails, or whatever on private property. But when you do it on public land, you always create more risk for the rest of us.
Not trying to be picky, but do you really believe you didn't leak any antifreeze, or power steering fluid, or broken glass, or trans fluid, or oil, or paint chips from crinkled sheet metal, or tiny broken pieces of plastic corner marker lenses....
Yeah, you didn't damage the trails.
Yeah, you didn't damage the parking areas.
But your perception of 'no damage', doesn't necessarily mean that to DNR.