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Who is to say the harder lines where not the original trail

flame on.

Usualy the ''harder'' lines are the oringal trail.. But because they have been their the longest. They become the worst or best as we the wheelers look at it. Often times tree roots get exposed the hill get unpassable to most or become a huge mud hole. Makes the need for a lamer easyer path...:mad:

I understand it but dont agree with it persay.
Well thats how some people roll. Its all about pointing out others to detract attention from your self...

What did I point out about Ty? What attention am I trying to detract from myself? :eeek:
What did I point out about Ty? What attention am I trying to detract from myself? :eeek:

Its just funny how you preach to everyone here about how trashing on areas get them closed N how its so wrong to do all this stuff.

Then you go and do it your self. But im sure in ur mind its different because well its you. Like your S dont stink...

For the record I didnt point it out. I just tossed in my .02 cents on it.
Its just funny how you preach to everyone here about how trashing on areas get them closed N how its so wrong to do all this stuff.
Then you go and do it your self.

Really? Please elaborate. I do more work parties and fundraisers then I do recreational wheeling :eeek:

You are the one opening up old trails that are closed and blocked off. :looser:
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Now you're the one talking ****.:rolleyes:

Oh really? :rolleyes:

The old trails are the challenging ones and if we worked together instead of always arguing, the trail systems around here could be alot better.


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Those have been open for years we just went down their this weekend. Fun place to go. Its never been blocked off. Just a blow down years ago...:awesomework:
What did I point out about Ty? What attention am I trying to detract from myself? :eeek:

Wheres the pic of you doing a front dig in the parking lot and blowing your hole front knuckle off?

In the other thread.Which seems to have been hgtd'd The knuckle broke and took out the shaft, so birfs would not have helped. It is whole, not hole. :awesomework:

Really? Please elaborate. I do more work parties and fundraisers then I do recreational wheeling :eeek:

You are the one opening up old trails that are closed and blocked off. :looser:

:haha: Still eluding to the fact that you openly posted about doing front digs (read: partial donut) in a gravel parking lot. But you're right, pushing a rig to it's limits on a trail, or running a trail that is established and not marked closed is way worse than a blatent disregard for the funding that paid for that gravel, or the volunteer hours spent spreading the gravel. :awesomework:
:haha: Still eluding to the fact that you openly posted about doing front digs (read: partial donut) in a gravel parking lot. But you're right, pushing a rig to it's limits on a trail, or running a trail that is established and not marked closed is way worse than a blatent disregard for the funding that paid for that gravel, or the volunteer hours spent spreading the gravel. :awesomework:

His leadership skills are second to none as WoWs Elbe hills rep.. Being sarcastic.

Id becareful W.T.F gos to every work party their.
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You guys done throwing **** at each other and causing more seperation between folks that should be working together?
As I said in my post "no trace of damage does not equal no damage". You've created a destroyed blazer, and you did it on MY wheeling spot. It's OUR wheeling spot. Just because you believe you've left no trace, doesn't mean you actually left no trace. Furthermore, any DNR or Forest Service or enviro-nazis lurkers, or some lady who happens to see the wrecked blazer, or whatever.... and they say "Oh look at those destructive 4x4ers... We should make what they do criminal". Yeah, perhaps I'm exagerating. But perhaps I'm not. You (and I) never really know what causes. There's a time and place to do these things. Just please don't do it on DNR or Forest Service land. As far as I'm concerned, you can wreck, burn, destroy, build trails, or whatever on private property. But when you do it on public land, you always create more risk for the rest of us.

Not trying to be picky, but do you really believe you didn't leak any antifreeze, or power steering fluid, or broken glass, or trans fluid, or oil, or paint chips from crinkled sheet metal, or tiny broken pieces of plastic corner marker lenses....

Yeah, you didn't damage the trails.
Yeah, you didn't damage the parking areas.

But your perception of 'no damage', doesn't necessarily mean that to DNR.

F*** what a joke....! Better not ever take your "HEAP" out of driveway then to any trail ever again then! :flipoff:

Or eveyone on this site period...... theres not one person on here that hasn't
done some of that!!!! :stirpot:
As I said in my post "no trace of damage does not equal no damage". You've created a destroyed blazer, and you did it on MY wheeling spot. It's OUR wheeling spot. Just because you believe you've left no trace, doesn't mean you actually left no trace. Furthermore, any DNR or Forest Service or enviro-nazis lurkers, or some lady who happens to see the wrecked blazer, or whatever.... and they say "Oh look at those destructive 4x4ers... We should make what they do criminal". Yeah, perhaps I'm exagerating. But perhaps I'm not. You (and I) never really know what causes. There's a time and place to do these things. Just please don't do it on DNR or Forest Service land. As far as I'm concerned, you can wreck, burn, destroy, build trails, or whatever on private property. But when you do it on public land, you always create more risk for the rest of us.

Not trying to be picky, but do you really believe you didn't leak any antifreeze, or power steering fluid, or broken glass, or trans fluid, or oil, or paint chips from crinkled sheet metal, or tiny broken pieces of plastic corner marker lenses....

Yeah, you didn't damage the trails.
Yeah, you didn't damage the parking areas.

But your perception of 'no damage', doesn't necessarily mean that to DNR.

Ok I think this is a little over the top. You mean to say that if I leave a paint chip, marker lens piece, small scare on a trail side tree, or a drop of oil then I to am putting wheelers in a bad light? Really dude? You cant tell me that you have never hit anything at all on any trial up there. I guess that means you are just as bad in the end. I am not saying that going up there just to destroy a rig is a good idea (I think its kinda dumb myself) but your example was a bit too much.
Ok I think this is a little over the top. You mean to say that if I leave a paint chip, marker lens piece, small scare on a trail side tree, or a drop of oil then I to am putting wheelers in a bad light? Really dude? You cant tell me that you have never hit anything at all on any trial up there. I guess that means you are just as bad in the end. I am not saying that going up there just to destroy a rig is a good idea (I think its kinda dumb myself) but your example was a bit too much.

Once again, the point was clearly missed.

I have left my share of debris over the years. However, I have never INTENTIONALLY went out trying to destroy my rig. I INTENTIONALLY try to NOT destroy my rig, therefore I leave as little as possible. When I do have the mishaps that occur when wheelin' I clean up my sheit.

Can't we all just get along?:redneck:
F*** what a joke....! Better not ever take your "HEAP" out of driveway then to any trail ever again then! :flipoff:

Or eveyone on this site period...... theres not one person on here that hasn't
done some of that!!!! :stirpot:

Ok I think this is a little over the top. You mean to say that if I leave a paint chip, marker lens piece, small scare on a trail side tree, or a drop of oil then I to am putting wheelers in a bad light? Really dude? You cant tell me that you have never hit anything at all on any trial up there. I guess that means you are just as bad in the end. I am not saying that going up there just to destroy a rig is a good idea (I think its kinda dumb myself) but your example was a bit too much.

I love it when people don't bother to read the whole thread, instead they just take a post or two out of context of the entire thead.

Obviously, I have. If you bothered to read the thread (reading comprehension is a bitch), than you too could have read my comments, and understood my point.

Let's take a hypothetical situation, it's 3 AM and the USFS Ranger people just happen to be driving into the parking lot at Evans and they were watching somone D-derby a Blazer on USFS property. Do you think that they'd applaud with great gusto? Or do you think that they'd be all up in your face, with the who, what, why are you doing this?

It's the attititude of indifference and sense of entitlement (especially of today's youth) that has created a "This is MY land" on public lands without any concept that that land is only "MY" land as long as some bureacrat still deems it acceptable.

Well I want MY public lands to be accessable to me. And to YOU too. And if that means I feel the need to encourage some concept of responsible actions when it's public lands, then so be it.

If you, or anyone else, wants to be a Demo-wheeler on private lands, that's OK by me. Truly don't care.

postscript... And my comments about today's youth are NOT related to anyones AGE, but rather their relative EXPERIENCE level. The more you realize that wheeling privaledges, money, friends, life are fleeting, the more you appreciate the special characters of each.
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Tony, just for clarification, Evans Creek is the USFS not DNR.
wow lots a sticks...lots of asses here....i respect those who work to keep things open...ty is smart enuff to know he was starting ****....probly calling out poky ...who eats sleeps and shits our rights as users.i aploud....but this is a witch hunt...like crash said...get along for the same cause.every one rubs a tree.when we log the hills the trails are built on we kill all the small ones for the big ones ...trees die do to users and usfs.i dont think we should build tree gaurds on trails...but back to the point..ty the old lines are the fun ones usually..but they need to be mantained for all tax payers...and the land.

some peoples kids